In recent years, accessibility has become an important focus for companies that develop software and hardware. Twitter has alt text for images, Forza Horizon 5 has American and British Sign Language support, and Windows 11 has voice typing. Finally, a free mobile browser has emerged that allows people with shaking (such as Parkinson’s disease) to use touch devices – in this case an iPad – with relative ease.
Staybl is a web browser that makes it easier for people with hand tremors to use iPads due to motor disorders such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. We can easily say that it is a very smart solution using existing technologies.
Staybl uses the accelerometer to detect unintentional shaking of iPads and according to the information it receives, it shakes the screen in the other direction for a stabilizing effect. It features large buttons, high-contrast color schemes and configurable settings for ease of use.
The scanner was developed by Havas Creative with medical professionals in the USA and Germany. As of now, it’s only available for iPad, provided you have iPadOS 14 or later; however, the company plans to port its solution to other platforms.
You can download and try Staybl browser from here.