We all know what vampires are: mythological or fantastical beings that survive by sucking blood. There are even tales of queens in kingdoms in the past who thought they would stay young by bathing in the blood of young virgins.
As absurd as this may sound, according to recent scientific studies there may be a small grain of truth, at least for rats (at the moment). Young blood may be rejuvenating when injected into older ones, it was discovered in an experiment on mice.
Reactions such as muscle regeneration when young blood is injected into the elderly
A research team has discovered new evidence that the blood of the young may actually be the secret to staying young. In a new study published in the journal Nature Aging, a University of Pittsburgh statement discovered that particles called extracellular vesicles (EVs) in mouse blood send a long-lived protein called “Klotho” to muscle cells. As the mice age, the EVs apparently weaken and deliver less protein as a result.
But when the team gave blood from young mice to experimental old mice, cells and tissues of the old began to exhibit interesting responses, such as enhanced muscle regeneration and rejuvenation. When EVs were removed from the blood, the effect was reduced. In other words, folk tales where the blood of the young nourish the old may be true.
Of course, testing this phenomenon in humans has many ethical issues, as the team’s attempts to use this method on real patients were met with harsh criticism and negative responses. But the Pittsburgh team claims their research could lead to new treatments for humans to maintain and increase longevity during the aging process. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.