Experts warn: It may cause an alien invasion!

Experts at NASA, "As part of the Beacon in the Galaxy, it sent the position of the Earth to space with a signal. However, some scientists are worried.
 Experts warn: It may cause an alien invasion!
READING NOW Experts warn: It may cause an alien invasion!

For more than a century, humanity’s biggest question marks have been whether we are alone in the universe. Scientists have made many researches and attempts to elucidate this question. Although this unknown situation arouses curiosity for many, it is an issue that should be avoided for some experts.

Signal sent to the Milky Way with the “Beacon in the Galaxy” initiative

Experts are working on the initiative called “Beacon in the Galaxy” (BITG). The new space note, called Mark in the Galaxy (BITG), was created by Jonathan Jiang, a scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and his teammates. BITG will beam the Earth’s position into space.

Part of the notes in the Beacon in the Galaxy

The message designed to teleport in the Milky Way was sent in order to communicate with intelligent aliens that may exist. However, sending this note is quite dangerous, according to many experts. Because this note, sent to communicate with intelligent aliens, makes the Earth an open target. Anders Sandberg of the University of Oxford stated that this venture is quite risky.

Many people refuse to take this matter seriously. What is considered an enterprise has such a high impact that you really need to take it seriously. The note that can pave the way for the invasion is like a postcard that shares the note “we are here”.

This attempt is not actually the first time. The story of the BITG initiative goes back to a message sent to a star cluster from Puerto Rico’s Arecibo telescope in 1974. The idea of ​​communicating with other life forms in the universe was strongly opposed by Stephen Hawking at the time.

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