Great success from Otsimo initiative

Otsimo initiative, which sets out to make the life of children with autism easier, and Canada's giant software company Sago Mini are coming together for a special application.
 Great success from Otsimo initiative
READING NOW Great success from Otsimo initiative

Otsimo initiative, which was founded in 2016 by Zafer Elcik and Sercan Değirmenci, who set out to change the life of their brother with autism, is also signing huge collaborations in addition to the important awards it has received.

Otsimo and Sago Mini collaboration

Known for winning dozens of awards worldwide with Otsimo, Sago Mini, together with child psychologists and speech specialists, is specially designed for children in need of speech therapy or seeking support for speech. presented the Sago Mini First Words application they designed to the users. Sago Mini First Words will reach over 40 million children.

Otsimo: A success story in the fight against autism

Added 5 years ago

Otsimo and Sago Sago Mini First Words, the first application implemented by Mini, was developed using video and peer modeling methods that can be used by all neurotypical and neurodiverse children.

The application, which is full of opportunities and surprises that will attract children’s attention and improve their communication skills, ensures that the words and sounds learned are permanent while teaching speaking. The English version of the app, which can be downloaded from the App Store, will be released in 2023.

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