Snapchat drew attention with its new filter: It will be of great benefit!

Social media platform Snapchat has attracted attention with its new sign language filter! Here are the details...
 Snapchat drew attention with its new filter: It will be of great benefit!
READING NOW Snapchat drew attention with its new filter: It will be of great benefit!

Social media platform Snapchat has attracted attention with its new filter. The filter shows how to make Latin letters in sign language. According to research by Gallaudet University, more than 600,000 people use sign language. Making this filter will benefit people greatly by teaching sign language to other users. Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

Thanks to the Snapchat filter, sign language will reach large audiences!

The sign language filter was designed by Snapchatters who are deaf. The filter teaches users how to finger write their names and games about the alphabet for the deaf (ASL alphabet).

The feature, which was first written on a finger filter in 2021, has evolved until today and finally appeared in this way. The ASL alphabet filter was introduced in partnership with SignALL, which is used for sign language translation. Thanks to this filter, people are expected to learn sign language and communicate more easily with hearing-impaired individuals.

The company made the following statements for the ASL alphabet filter:

“We’re constantly working to expand the ways Snapchat users express themselves and connect through our camera. For indigenous signatories, we believe AR can help improve the way we communicate in a world where linguistic inequality is rampant.”

ASL alphabet filter is now available on all updated iOS and Android devices.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you think Snapchat’s new sign language filter will be effective for people to learn? You can express your thoughts in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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