9 Videos Taken in the Ottoman Period

We have listed the videos that will take you to the last periods of the Ottoman Empire, where you can see the daily life of the people. The videos you will watch will take you on a time travel.
 9 Videos Taken in the Ottoman Period
READING NOW 9 Videos Taken in the Ottoman Period

Time travel is not possible even these days as we enter 2022. Especially going back in time is something we can only see in movies. It is not known whether this situation will change in the future, but we will not be able to travel in time for many, many years. So, is the concept of time travel just physically going to a date? Don’t those amazing technological devices we carry in our pockets allow us to travel in time?

Maybe we are not aware of it, but we actually have the technology to allow us to travel in time for many years. We call these technological devices cameras. Thanks to the cameras, we record the moment that fits into the frame of this device from our own perspective. This shows that we actually took a piece of time and archived it.

How well do we know our past that smells of history?

When we, living in this country, turn our heads and look at our history, we see a deep-rooted empire for better or worse. The Ottoman Empire, which once reached the power to dominate the whole world and then lost power after being left behind by the industrial revolution, is a period that we always read about in the books, but where we cannot see the city life or the atmosphere of that period.

Today, however, we would like to reverse this situation a bit. We have compiled for you the videos recorded during the last periods of the Ottoman Empire and the times of war before the establishment of our young republic. Our list, which contains many videos from the moments when the Entente Powers entered our country, to what the people did in daily life during the Ottoman period, will take you on a short journey in time. Let’s take a look at times more than 100 years old, what life was like in the last days of the Ottoman Empire.

Videos of daily life in the Ottoman period

Tradesmen in the Ottoman Empire in the 1900s
Istanbul in the 1910s
1911-1922 Images of İzmir recorded between the years of 1910
, 1913, Edirne under occupation (Bulgarian archives)
Beyazıt Mosque (Istanbul) in the 1910s
Important Ottoman Empire between 1909 – 1918
Images of Istanbul in 1919 (France archive)
The old European city of the Ottoman Empire, Sarayova
Istanbul in 1914 (Italian archive)

, with images recorded between 1910 – 1929

Tradesmen in the Ottoman Empire in the 1900s

Istanbul in the 1910s


) Images of Izmir recorded between 1911-1922

1913 Edirne under occupation (Bulgarian archive)

Beyazit Mosque (Istanbul) in the 1910s

Important Ottoman Empire between 1909 – 1918

1919 Istanbul images (France archive)

The old European city of the Ottoman Empire, Sarayova

(with images recorded between 1910 and 1929)

in 1914 in Istanbul (Italian archive)

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