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What is the Priory of Sion, What is its Purpose, and Who Are Its Members?

If you haven't read Dan Brown's bestselling book, The Da Vinci Code, you must have at least watched the movie and met the secret organization called the Order of Sion. Let's take a closer look at the Sion Sect, which is claimed to have a thousand-year history and to have fingers in all kinds of rudders in Europe, how it came to be, and most importantly, whether it is real.
 What is the Priory of Sion, What is its Purpose, and Who Are Its Members?
READING NOW What is the Priory of Sion, What is its Purpose, and Who Are Its Members?

Even if you haven’t read Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code, the book titled The Da Vinci Code in Turkish, which still manages to maintain its place in the world’s best-selling books list, you must have at least watched the 2006 film adaptation. We will not talk about this detailed story, but it is necessary to take a closer look at the Priory of Sion, which made its name with this artifact.

The name of the Priory of Sion was actually mentioned in some books long ago. However, not many people knew that such a secret organization existed until the last book, as none of them were as popular as the Da Vinci Code. Let’s take a closer look at questions such as what is the millennial Sion Sect, which is said to include European royalty and many scientists, how it came to be, what is its purpose, and more importantly, is it real?

What is the Priory of Sion?

The Priory of Sion is a secret religious organization believed to have been founded in 1099 and thought to intervene directly in political events all over the world. It is claimed that the name of the organization derives from Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Among the members of this organization, many European dynasty members and world-renowned scientists are among those claimed.

How did the Priory of Sion come about, what did it do?

Allegedly, Hz. Jesus was married to a woman named Mary Magdalene and they had children. Hz. Knowing that he was going to die, Jesus asked Mary to lead the church after him. Of course, St. After Jesus was crucified, the pressure on Mary and her children increased, so they had to flee. Mary Magdalene, who fled to France with her children, took refuge in a Jewish community here.

When we come to about the 5th century, Hz. A descendant of Jesus and Mary married a descendant of ancient Israel and a member of the royal family of France. That is, Hz. The lineage of Jesus, the French royal family, and the Jews converged. Members of this lineage started to control all events in Europe by establishing a secret organization.

The organization founded by members of this secret lineage, later called the Priory of Sion, played a major role in the initiation of the Crusades and the conquest of Jerusalem. Hz. He found many relics of Jesus. He led the establishment of the Knights Templar. After 1307, he went underground and continued his work in secret.

What is the purpose of the Priory of Sion?

  • Unifying the whole of Europe to establish the Holy European Empire.
  • To abolish the Catholic Church and establish a new state religion based on the Holy Grail and the Jewish Testament.
  • Establishing the Greater Kingdom of Israel.

Since it is believed that the Sion Sect organization is working for these purposes, its name has been mentioned together with Rosicrucians, Vatican, Dead Sea Scrolls, Freemen, Golden Dawn Sect and many other formations.

According to the belief of many, the Priory of Sion is an organization that undersigns all kinds of evil done in the world. However, in their own opinion, the sole purpose of this sect is to establish peace for humanity. In other words, even if there is a war or massacre, they think that as a result of this, all humanity will win and absolute peace will be achieved.

Members and grandmasters of the Priory of Sion, according to reports:

  • Ugo de Blanchefort (1150-1151)
  • Bernard de Tremblay (1151-1153)
  • Guillaume de Chanaleilles (1153-1154)
  • Andrè de Montbard(1155-1156)
  • Bertrand de Blanchefort (1156-1169)
  • Philippe de Milly (1169-1170)
  • Eudes de Saint-Amand (1170-1180)
  • Arnaud de Toroge (1181-1184)
  • Gérard de Ridefort (1184-1188)
  • Jean de Gisors (1188-1220)
  • Marie de Saint-Clair (1220-1266)
  • Guillaume de Gisors (1266-1307) )
  • Edouard de Bar (1307-1336)
  • Jeanne de Bar (1336-1351)
  • Jean de Saint-Clair (1351-1366)
  • Blanche d’Evreux (1366-1398)
  • Nicolas Flamel (1398-1418)
  • René d’Anjo u (1418-1480)
  • Yolande de Bar (1480-1483)
  • Sandro Filipepi AKA Botticelli (1483-1510)
  • Leonardo da Vinci (1510-1519)
  • Charles III (Duke of Bourbon-Montpensier) (1519-1527)
  • Ferdinand de Gonzague (1527-1556)
  • Michel de Notre-Dame AKA Nostradamus(1556-1566) )
  • Duc de Longueville & Nicolas Froumenteau (1566-1575)
  • Louis de Nevers (1575-1595)
  • Robert Fludd (1595-1637)
  • Johann Valentin Andrea (1637-1654)
  • Robert Boyle (1654-1691)
  • Isaac Newton (1691-1727)
  • Charles Radclyffe (1727-1746)
  • Charles de Lorraine (1746-1780)
  • Maximilian de Lorraine (1780-1801)
  • Charles Nodier (1801-1844)
  • Victor Hugo (1844- 1885)
  • Claude Debussy (1885-1918)
  • Jean Cocteau (1918-1963) )
  • Pierre Plantard (1963-1981)

Sion member selection and degree system:

Transferred about the Priory of Sion Most of the information dates back to 1956. Allegedly, the sect has 9,841 members and is active in hundreds of different cities. According to the Laws of the Priory of Sion, drawn up by Grand Master Jean Cocteau, members are selected on the basis of full devotion to the order. Members gain seniority through a nine-degree system.

  • Apprentice
  • Crusader
  • Hero
  • Sailor
  • Knight Auxiliary
  • Knight
  • Deputy Commander
  • Commander
  • Judge
  • Sailor

Although the Sion Sect is a religious-based formation, religious identity is not in the foreground during the selection of members . Likewise, race, ethnicity, political affiliation or sexual identity do not matter. The only thing required is for the member to work unconditionally for the peace of humanity, no matter what, on the path of the sect.

Priory of Sion logo:

Unfortunately, there is no explanation as to what the Priory of Sion logo means exactly. The inscriptions show the name of the sect and its aims, but the symbols in the logo still remain a mystery. Some authors doing research on the subject, Hz. They say it’s a unique logo designed for the combination of the lineage of Jesus, Judaism, and European royalty.

How true is the information about the Priory of Sion?

, born in 1920, a Frenchman named Pierre Plantard, who describes himself as ‘traditionalist, royalist and anti-Semitic’; During the Second World War, when France was occupied by the Nazis, she reached out to the authorities and made numerous reports that this occupation was carried out by the Jews.

Pierre Plantard was sentenced to prison in 1953 for fraud. When he came out, he founded a structure called the Priory of Sion, named after a mountain in the region. When no one but a few crackers joined the organization, Plantard began writing a series of scrolls about how ancient and sacred their sect actually was. He secretly placed these documents in the great libraries of France and tried to attract people’s attention.

Pierre Plantard’s house was raided in 1993 and many documents and letters were found regarding all this fraud. Scientists who examined the documents in question said that these documents, which were already prepared in a very bad way, would be 40 years old at most. Moreover, Plantard confessed to all that he had done in court. So no, the Priory of Sion is not a real organization.

We answered the question of what is the Sion Sect, a secret organization that is claimed to have a thousand-year history and appeared in the bestselling book called The Da Vinci Code, and we talked about what you need to know about this mysterious organization. You can share your thoughts on such conspiracy theories in the comments.

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