Visa Launches NFT Program for Small Businesses

Visa announced the launch of a program to support small companies interested in fashion, music and film through NFTs
 Visa Launches NFT Program for Small Businesses
READING NOW Visa Launches NFT Program for Small Businesses

Visa announced that it has launched a program in which it will support small companies interested in fields such as fashion, music and film through NFTs.

Payments giant Visa has launched a creator program to help small companies grow their NFT business.

Visa has announced that it has officially launched its NFT creator program, which it first announced last October, to help artists grow their businesses with NFTs.

The program will be run in groups for one year. Content creators, including artists, musicians, fashion designers, and filmmakers, will be trained in NFTs.

Visa’s head of crypto, Cuy Sheffield, made the following statements on the subject;

“NFTs can take many forms as creators invest more in this medium. We want to support and influence creators who use NFTs as a bridge to new audiences, products and services.”

Sheffield continued as follows;

“This is just the beginning, at Visa we are constantly developing new products and solutions for our clients.”

Visa developed the NFT creator program with Micah Johnson, former professional baseball player and now NFT artist. Johnson recently created an NFT collection called Aku.

Through Visa’s creator program, Johnson aims to mentor emerging artists as they embark on their own NFT journey.

Visa has yet to decide how many creators it wants to train in this program. Sheffield said the company wanted to keep the group small enough to facilitate community building and support technical mentoring.

Creators interested in participating in the program must complete a questionnaire. Sheffield stated that they will then meet for the final evaluation.

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