What is a Speakable Snippet?

Google is a type of structured data where you can make the content on your page readable aloud to deliver the content of an article to every user.
 What is a Speakable Snippet?
READING NOW What is a Speakable Snippet?

Google is a type of structured data where you can make the content on your page readable aloud in order to deliver the content of an article to every user. Speakable Snippet, which can work with programs using Text to Spech (TTS) structure, will allow you to reach wider audiences.

In which countries is the Speakable Snippet used? Since

Speakable Snippet is in beta, it can be used by users living in the US whose Google Home devices are set to English, or by websites that produce content in English.

At this point, Google states that it will open the Speakable Snippet feature to all languages ​​in the coming years when sufficient number of users is reached.

How to add a Speakable Snippet?

You can add readable structural data with JSON-LD codes. At this point, what you need to pay attention to is that your content must contain 1 of the 2 content-locator properties (cssSelector – xPath).

What should be considered when adding a Speakable Snippet?

Google states that the readable area added over the structured data should be the section that will briefly summarize the relevant page content. In this way, when Google Assistant provides reading, it will give a short and concise information to the user and inform the user about the relevant content.

You should be careful when adding a header to a readable structured data field. Because Google Assistant will see the title as part of the content and read it like a whole text. For this reason, you should add a meaningful space between the content and the content. It is used in Speakable, Article and Webpage structured data.

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