AMD developed software to improve visuals

AMD Radeon Image Sharpening (RIS) image enhancement software enables Radeon graphics card users to improve the quality of images on Windows systems.
 AMD developed software to improve visuals
READING NOW AMD developed software to improve visuals

After leaving behind the era when Nvidia focused solely on game lovers and focusing on various software for publishers and professionals, AMD is also focusing on features that will provide added value to standard users.

What is AMD RIS?

AMD Radeon Image Sharpening (RIS) is a visual sharpening technology developed for desktop applications. The technology improves the images on the screen at that time using various algorithms.

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1 hr. previously added

Not only office or media visuals, but also video playback visuals can be improved. Thus, it can make platform-independent low-quality images better. It is especially ideal for poor quality images on relatively old platforms.

AMD RIS technology compatible with Radeon RX 5000 and later graphics cards. It can be activated via AMD Software or Overlay software in Windows 10 or Windows 11 operating systems. With AMD Software Adrenaline 22.3.1, this technology was made available.

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