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  • Passenger trains running on hydrogen fuel in Germany to enter service in two years

Passenger trains running on hydrogen fuel in Germany to enter service in two years

Germany is one step closer to the hydrogen-powered train project. According to the plans, trains running on hydrogen fuel will start to serve in two routes.
 Passenger trains running on hydrogen fuel in Germany to enter service in two years
READING NOW Passenger trains running on hydrogen fuel in Germany to enter service in two years

German company Siemens Mobility has signed a contract with the German railway operator Bayerische Regiobahn to supply hydrogen fueled passenger trains on a lease basis. Testing of prototype trains on the line will begin in mid-2023, with the first passenger transport service to begin in January 2024.

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There is a great interest in hydrogen fuel in many sectors

Siemens Mobility has prepared the Mireo Plus two and three car train project for practical application. The train will be built both in an all-battery version and with hydrogen fuel cells with an array of batteries. In the hydrogen-powered version of Mireo Plus H, the train will be able to carry up to 160 passengers. The maximum speed of the train will reach 160 km/h and its range will be between 600 and 1000 km.

The interest in hydrogen fuel shows itself in all areas of transportation. Automotive manufacturers are developing many designs for cars and trucks powered by hydrogen cells. There are shipbuilders as well as aircraft designers. For example, Airbus will start test flights of the hydrogen version of the A380 aircraft in 2026. On the other hand, some analysts believe that hydrogen transport has no future.

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  • Hydrogen trains in Germany will be in service after 2 years

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