Social media platforms have become unimaginably popular in their first days. So much so that the line between social media and real life is now extremely thin. For this reason, many users rightly say they are worried about how we can protect our social media accounts. Unfortunately, we should not forget that we are always faced with the danger of account stealing, since the internet world can never become a completely safe place.
The measures to be taken against account stealing on social media are actually very simple, but we can ignore many of them when we get carried away. Unfortunately, as a result of this disregard, the act of stealing, which seems like a simple account stealing, can even turn into a judicial case that will negatively affect our real life. Let’s take a closer look at the measures you can take against theft of your social media account and see how you can make your internet experience more secure.
Measures to be taken against account stealing on social media:
- Set unique and strong passwords.
- Use two-factor authentication.
- Don’t click everything.
- Hide your account.
- Be careful whose request you accept.
- Think twice before posting a location.
- Remember that nothing is lost on the Internet.
- Beware of phishing and similar scams.
- Review the tags you’ve shared.
- Use reliable antivirus software.
Set unique and strong passwords:
Passwords still used as username1234 are extremely common. Passwords that are almost identical to the registered e-mail address or the username in question are often preferred because it is easier for users to remember, but guess who else can find these passwords quickly? Yes, thieves.
First of all, never use a word or number that contains personal information, no matter how many digits it is. Use lots of uppercase and lowercase letters. Make sure there are some numbers between the letters. You should also sprinkle dots and other punctuation marks between them. So even if you change the username1234 password to user1.234name, things become more secure. Of course, it’s not that simple.
Use two-factor authentication:
Today, almost all social media platforms offer two-factor authentication to their users. You can easily activate it via the settings page. The system is simple, after logging in with a password and username, a code is sent to your mobile phone via SMS and you log in this way. So unless someone confiscates your mobile phone, they won’t be able to log into your account.
Don’t click on everything:
Great deals, summer deals, see who’s looking at your account, banks are giving away free money, meet sexy people, earn money from home, free download the game, win the holiday, that famous was caught; sure, click here. No dear reader. Free cheese is only in mousetrap. Most of the links shared with such titles are fraudulent. Do not open suspicious links.
Hide your account:
Unfortunately, we see that women and children are subjected to unbelievable harassment on social media platforms. The most effective security method to do is to hide your account. Okay, you may want to gain followers, but as your follower count increases, so will the number of perversions you will encounter. For this reason, you should have a much safer internet experience with a more modest number of followers.
Be careful whose request you accept:
Of course, hiding the account isn’t enough. It is also very important who you accept the follow request. When you say that you know, know, know, you can start to follow half of the country. As a result, the security of the dialogs and connections they will share with these people will never be under control. I mean, why would you follow up with someone you don’t sit down and have a coffee with?
Think twice before sharing a location:
Since social media and real life are now intertwined, the precautions to be taken against account stealing on social media are also measures to protect your life. Let’s keep it simple when you instantly share photos of a family vacation on your public social media account; You are saying welcome bro to a thief who sees your name on the doorbell and checks your account.
Note that nothing is lost on the Internet:
Delete it after looking is ok, but if I delete the internet won’t delete it. Remember, when you refreshed the messages page due to a minor problem with Instagram, deleted messages appeared years ago. While this is a tangible example, it is not the only one. Even lost messages and images are never completely deleted. It is always possible to take screenshots. So let’s sum it up, think twice before sharing things that you would one day be afraid of seeing, even in private.
Beware of phishing and similar fraud methods:
The links we described in the title Don’t click everything, can sometimes steal your social media account with a simple phishing scam; sometimes they go so far as to empty your bank accounts. You know how we said don’t accept everyone’s follow requests, so if the account of someone you know from afar is hacked and you fall for his fake messages without realizing it, you will be scammed cleanly.
Review the hashtags you shared:
We all decorate our posts with hashtags to get more people to see it, get more likes or attract more followers. . If your account is not private, all social media users in the world can see your post through these tags. Just like with location sharing, keep in mind who can see it in tag sharing.
Use reliable antivirus software:
Whether you’re logging into social media from your mobile device or desktop browser, be sure to use reliable antivirus software. Antivirus software with browser and application plug-ins hides users’ passwords and warns them before going to unsafe connections. Of course, even the world’s best antivirus software won’t be able to protect everything, but it will at least eliminate some of the dangers.
We have listed the measures to be taken against account stealing on social media in order to make your internet world much safer, and we briefly talked about how you can implement these measures. We know that the internet offers a wide world that will excite many, but please remember, every world is full of dangers.