Sad news from Toyota!

According to the statement made by Toyota, the company will reduce its production in Japan in the second quarter of 2022.
 Sad news from Toyota!
READING NOW Sad news from Toyota!

Toyota is among the world’s largest automobile manufacturers. The company has factories in many parts of the world and reaches good sales figures by producing cars suitable for every user in these factories.

Due to the effects of the pandemic, many automobile manufacturers had to pause their production last year. Now, due to the war and economic crisis that broke out, a new statement came from Toyota. Toyota will reduce their production in the second quarter of 2022.

Toyota has decided to reduce its production in the second quarter of 2022!

Toyota announced that it will reduce its production with the statement it made recently. The company stated that the reduction in production will take place in the second quarter of 2022. According to data released by Reuters, Toyota will cut production by 20 percent in April, 10 percent in May and 5 percent in June.

The reduction in production will only apply to factories in the company’s home country of Japan. The production of factories located in other parts of the world will continue as planned. In a statement made by Toyota, it was stated that the reduction in production was due to problems in the supply chain.

The company, which made such moves especially in order not to put the part suppliers in trouble, emphasized that the chip crisis was the most important factor in this reduction. In addition, the war between Russia and Ukraine played a major role in the company’s decision. If the war continues and new restrictions come, the rate of this reduction may increase even more.

In addition, Akio Toyoda, the head of the company, stated in a meeting with union members that if they do not make a plan and produce, their limited materials can quickly run out. If parts run out, the company risks not producing any cars for months.

The company stated that although it reduced production, the production was high enough. According to the reports it has published, Toyota plans to produce 11 million cars in 2022 despite the chip crisis. Especially due to the problems experienced in production last year, companies set big goals and want to relieve the pain of 2021 in 2022.

So what are your thoughts? What do you think about Toyota’s decision to cut production after BMW? Do you think there will be a further reduction in production as a result of the continuation of the war or other problems that may be experienced? You can share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum

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