Twitch cut the bread of Russian broadcasters!

Twitch has announced that payments to Russian broadcasters will not be made as long as Russia's war against Ukraine continues.
 Twitch cut the bread of Russian broadcasters!
READING NOW Twitch cut the bread of Russian broadcasters!

Russia, which declared a unilateral war on Ukraine and continued its attacks for the past 2 weeks, has been embargoed by all world states and companies. It is currently experiencing great difficulties, especially due to economic sanctions. Now, a new one has been added by Twitch.

Twitch stops paying Russian broadcasters

The economic, technological and political embargoes on Russia have yet to get Putin to step back. However, US President Joe Biden claimed that Russia’s currency, the Russian Ruble, declined to 10 cents against the Dollar and that Putin could not resist any longer. As a matter of fact, in the past hours, Russia has put on the table various conditions for an agreement with Ukraine.

But Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski says that Russia should sit at the table without preconditions. Therefore, the war between the two countries seems to continue for a while. Therefore, the sanctions against Russia will continue.

Among these various embargoes and sanctions, a new one has been added today. Twitch announced that the payment system will now be closed to Russian members and broadcasters, who make up 4 percent of the platform. It remains unclear what will be the fate of the money they have earned so far and has not yet been deposited into their accounts.

But Twitch left a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel and made some statements that the current war must end in order to leave these difficult days behind as soon as possible. In addition, many Russian broadcasters stated that they will continue to broadcast even if no payment will be made by Twitch and they hope that the situation will be resolved as soon as possible.

However, the fact that people like the Russian publisher Alexey “Jesus AVGN”, who had to flee Russia for criticizing Putin and settled in the USA and continued their broadcasts from there, were also under this restriction, drew considerable criticism on social media.

But when we look at the whole picture, we see that neither the war nor the economic crisis the Russians are in is a long-term sustainable situation. Therefore, at this point, things depend a little on which side will give up what. But even if Putin abandons his plans to invade Ukraine, it may be too late. Because the sanctions imposed by the USA, the UK and the EU do not seem to be lifted in a short time.

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