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Words We Use in Daily Life Evolved From Mythology

Are we aware of the effects of Greek mythology, which has countless gods and stories, on our daily lives? Today we're going to show you some of the words we use every day, derived from Greek mythology.
 Words We Use in Daily Life Evolved From Mythology
READING NOW Words We Use in Daily Life Evolved From Mythology

Mythologies always remind us of epic stories. There are many mythologies involving gods, each serving a different purpose. Mythologies, which were the religious beliefs of some people in the past, are now the subject of books, movies and theater plays. Although we, living in modern times, know these mythological stories as religions believed many years before us, we are actually much closer to these mythologies than we think, with the words we use in our daily lives.

Greek mythology, one of the most popular among them, has added many words to our lives even if we are not aware of it. Many words in Greek mythology have evolved over time into words we use in daily life. Today we will look at where many words from Greek mythology such as “hygiene, hypnosis, typhoon” actually came from.

Words we use in daily life evolved from Greek mythology

Hypnos (Sleep god) – Hypnosis

Typhon (Volcano god) – Typhoon, Flood

Pan (Country god) – Panic

Pan used to appear in front of people in the countryside and scare them, thus inspiring the word “panic”

Nike (God of victory who runs very fast) – Shoe brand Nike

Eros (God of love and sex) – Erotic, erogenous, erotomania…

Phantasos (Dream god) – Fantasy

Adonis (mortal with whom Aphrodite fell in love) – Adonis muscle (980070) 2)

Morpheus (Dream-god) – Morphium (Morphium)

Europe (Zeus’ lover abducted to the European continent) – Europe

Phobetor (Nightmare god) – Phobia

Khronos (Time god) – stopwatch, chronicle, chronology

Narcissus (character punished by the gods for falling in love) – Narcissus, narcissism, narcissism

Hygieia (Health goddess) – Hygiene

Nectar (drink that immortalizes the gods) – Nectar

Khaos (god before order) – Chaos

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