NASA’s crazy project: breathing on Mars!

NASA is looking for ways to travel comfortably on the surface of Mars with the futuristic projects it is working on. Financial support for the project was announced.
 NASA’s crazy project: breathing on Mars!
READING NOW NASA’s crazy project: breathing on Mars!

Thanks to many programs carried out by the American Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the distance between humanity and space continues to decrease day by day. NASA has important plans such as touristic trips and colonies, especially related to Mars. The institution is preparing to add a new one to these.

The project takes place within the scope of NASA “Innovative Advanced Concepts”

NASA has started initiatives for some projects that are beyond the age. Financial support has been approved for the crazy-looking “Innovative Advanced Concepts” program. It is planned to implement important projects within the scope of this program. The most important of these is to be able to breathe in the atmosphere of Mars without the need for an oxygen cylinder.

This crazy project is currently in an idea stage. This process, called thermal oscillation sorption/desorption (TSSD) to produce Oxygen from the Martian atmosphere, is expected to be designed to have a portable generator assembly in the form of a backpack. The necessary R&D studies for this are still being carried out. Jim Reuter, deputy director of NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate, made the following statements in a statement.

NASA’s mission to explore the universe requires new technologies and new ways of doing things. Innovative ideas will come as we focus on ever more challenging goals of exploration with humans and robots. Examining these creative ideas is the first step towards turning science fiction into science fact.

NASA is currently taking this project very seriously. So much so that the realization of such an idea will open new doors to explore the surface of Mars. This project, which is open to development, is aimed to be easily portable. Thus, more technology will allow for greater flexibility in landing zones and longer journeys to explore the planet’s surface.

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