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Nü Wa, the Mythological Goddess Who Created Man Out of Boredom

The nation with the most comprehensive written history is undoubtedly the Chinese people. Well, would you like to meet the most famous god of the mythologies that this vast cultural accumulation has?
 Nü Wa, the Mythological Goddess Who Created Man Out of Boredom
READING NOW Nü Wa, the Mythological Goddess Who Created Man Out of Boredom

Mythology, as we know, is the stories on which traditions and beliefs about humanity or the creation of the universe are based on in religious and cultural histories.

Although we are familiar with Greek and Egyptian Mythologies in general, we decided to study Chinese Mythology, which is more developed culturally but which we have no idea about due to our distant ties. The first thing that comes to mind when talking about Chinese Mythology is undoubtedly the Goddess Nuwa.

The birth story and origin of Nü Wa

Nü Wa, also known as Nü Gua, is one of the most popular goddesses of Chinese Mythology. She is known as a creative goddess. If we go down to the origin of the name; Nude is a Chinese first name for women or females.

The word Nü Wa has no known meaning, we can say that it is a goddess-specific word, but Anne Birrell, who has researched and published on Chinese Mythology, translates this name as “cute”. He also adds that due to Water Mythology, it can also be interpreted as a frog. Again, according to language historians, it can also mean snail. Various sources also use the word snake. As you can see, it is not possible to talk about a consensus on this issue.

Nü Wa got bored and decided to create man

According to the legend; Goddess Nü Wa gets bored one day and creates living things just to relieve her boredom. Nude Wa; He creates a chicken on the first day, a dog on the second day, and a sheep, pig, bull and horse on the following days, respectively. When She couldn’t get rid of any living thing she created, she decided to create human on the seventh day as a last resort.

The Goddess Nü Wa liked to create man

Nü Wa took some yellow earth (clay) in her palms to create man and gave man various shapes. created. While creating people, she used a rope to keep them upright. Then he created another human, then another and another… He wanted to fill the whole world with humans, but for that he needed to speed up a bit.

Even if you’re a goddess, sometimes you need to be faster

After reaching a certain number, Nü Wa takes a rope, dips the rope in the mud and swings the rope around. He creates a human being out of every piece of mud scattered around by the rope. Sometimes he uses a stick instead of a rope.

The people of the Nuwa who were emulating with their own hands were considered noble people, and this nobility was passed down from generation to generation. People who are wealthy, beautiful, handsome, or dignified were considered to be the people of the Nuwa who were sculpted by their hands. Other humans were considered descendants of humans created by spreading from sticks or strings.

Nü Wa repairing the sky

Nü Wa, also known for repairing one of the 4 damaged pillars of Heaven; He also wanted to repair the giant hole that had formed in the middle of the blue sky due to the war between the Water God Gonggong and the Emperor God Zhuanxu.

Nü Wa wanted to repair this hole because many disasters entered the world through it. Nü Wa, finally unable to endure the persecution of the people he created, used the elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water to restore the sky.

Nü Wa

Goddess of Marriage. He orders Nü Wa to marry his brother Fu Xi (fushi). Fu Xi is the Emperor God and is 3 months younger than Nu Wa. Nü Wa and her brother Fu Xi get married, following the order of the God of Heaven. As the fruit of marriage, the human race continues to proliferate.

Many people joined the human population as the fruit of the marriage of Nu Wa and Fu Xi. Because it was the first known god marriage, Nü Wa came to the fore as a god who also symbolized marriage. For this reason, it is highly respected in China even today.

The Chinese habit of using fans is also based on the Goddess Nü Wa

You may have come across Chinese women who use a fan in Chinese films, even once in your life. It may have caught your attention that Chinese couples posing for their wedding on Instagram also have a fan in their hands. This tradition goes back to the Nü Wa.

Nü Wa and Fu Xi were in great embarrassment on the day of their marriage, because they were brothers and it was the first time they had made such intimacy. The first night they were to be together and every night after, they held the fans they had made from the grass to their faces when they were ashamed. Over time, this became a wedding pose tradition.

Nü Wa, still called the Goddess of Marriage in China today, is a goddess that is worshiped and respected by couples who want to have a happy marriage.

The bond of Yin and Yang and Nü Wa

In some various sources, it is stated that Nü Wa and Fu Xi are the basis of Yin and Yang. While Nuwa represents Yin and femininity; Fu Xi represents masculinity and Yang.

Other known about Nu Wa

Chu Ci (second oldest known anthology of Chinese poetry) and Shuowen Jiezi (one of China’s oldest known dictionaries) It is seen that Nü Wa and the story of Nü Wa are included in .

Nü Wa is named as the Snake Goddess in Fengshen Bang (Investiture of the Gods). In some works, it is depicted in a snake-like manner. Finally, it is said that Nü Wa created the bamboo flute (lu sheng), one of the traditional instruments of China.

But have you ever met Chinese Mythology before? What did you know about Chinese Mythology and Nuwa and what do you think about Nuwa? Which mythological gods or goddesses would you like us to introduce you to in future content? You can tell us this and all your other ideas in the comments section.

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