Does Listening to Music While Working Distract Us?

While studying or when we need to focus on a subject, we use music in order not to be affected by external factors. But does music really help us focus? Let's explain all aspects.
 Does Listening to Music While Working Distract Us?
READING NOW Does Listening to Music While Working Distract Us?

It is constantly emphasized that listening to music is a very useful activity in our daily life. In fact, examples such as the Mozart effect are shown. In our example, it is believed that an increase in intelligence level is seen when Mozart is listened roughly. So, while music is so good for us in our daily lives, how does it affect us when we need to focus?

Especially during exam periods, students do not take their earphones away from their sides in order to isolate them from the noise at home or the external sounds in the libraries, albeit minor ones. While some people just wear their headphones to reduce external noise, others prefer a background music to play. In this content, we will explain in an understandable way what science says about it.

First of all, it’s undeniable that music is a distraction, but there are many variables at work:

He says he can’t do it at the same time, it’s a mistake. This is because attention is a limited resource. In this scenario, multiple jobs are both listening to music and studying.

And since at least one of them requires cognitive activity, the efficiency that can be obtained from the lesson while the music is playing in the background is limited.

Another reason is that the music we listen to is identified with the information in our minds:

Have you ever re-opened a song you listened to, and go back to the days when you listened to that song? Anderson says the same scenario happens when listening to music during class. In other words, the information we receive while studying is identified with the music we listen to in the background, and we remember the information more easily in the environment where that music is present.

However, it is argued that studying with music is a distraction, since these music will not be played in the exam halls. Well, isn’t there a solution for those who say “I want to listen to music, I can’t do it in a quiet environment”? Of course there is

Why is music a distraction? Since the song you listen to has a high tone or has lyrics, of course

, while sitting at your desk and shuffling your notes, having someone in the background telling you a melodic love life or playing a loud rock song will of course distract you.

Therefore, if you want to keep the efficiency of your lessons while listening to music, there are a few points you should keep in mind.

Options for those who want to work by listening to music:

  • Prefer songs with no words or in a language you don’t know
  • Use the music you’re used to
  • Slow, instrumental prefer songs
  • Listen to music at low volume
  • Avoid advertising platforms
  • Go for different sound options

Prefer songs that have no words or in a language you don’t know Check out:

This advice from neuroscientist Steven Smith will minimize the distraction of music while you study. Because there will not be a word in the song that will attract your attention, and even though there are words, your brain will be more focused on the lesson because you do not understand what is said.

Use the music you are used to:

This is because the background song, although quiet and lacking in words, has an unusual sound. because it is sound, your brain will pay attention to it as well. In this context, you can create a playlist from the music you are used to or the music you see fit for yourself.

Prefer slow, instrumental songs:

There is no rule that everyone should listen to classical music. If you are not good with the genre in question, you can also prefer slow, instrumental songs. At this point, the tempo of the music you will listen to is more important than the type.

Listen to music at low volume:

If you are going to play music while studying, you should not forget that it is background music. For this reason, be careful to keep the volume low, even if it is low-tempo music.

Stay away from platforms with advertisements:

Just as an artist describing his love life distracts you, so does an (example) e-commerce site advertisement that interrupts you while listening to calm music. It will take your attention away from the lesson. For this reason, it will be beneficial to use the paid services of platforms such as Spotify or YouTube.

White noise and nature sounds are also options

White noise, which is formed by the combination of all frequencies is used to suppress background noise and has also been shown to help with focus. Nature sounds are also used to facilitate focus, often to fall asleep.

You will decide for yourself whether it is more efficient:

We all have differences. Because of these differences, the required working environments also differ from person to person. If you are someone who wants to work with music or at least want to give it a chance, you can start the subject with specially prepared playlists or the nature sounds we mentioned.

You will also try it and you will know if working with music is more productive for you than usual. You can share the methods and results you use among those we have counted, or if you have different focusing methods, in the comments section.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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