Noteworthy Bitcoin (BTC) Statement by Senator Ted Cruz

Texas Senator Ted Cruz stated that he is a Bitcoin (BTC) supporter due to the authorities' inability to control it.
 Noteworthy Bitcoin (BTC) Statement by Senator Ted Cruz
READING NOW Noteworthy Bitcoin (BTC) Statement by Senator Ted Cruz

United States Texas Senator Ted Cruz stated that he is a Bitcoin (BTC) supporter due to the authorities’ inability to control it. Cruz also suggested that China has imposed a crypto ban for the same reason.

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Cruz also opposed Justin Trudeau’s Emergency Act, in which the Canadian government froze the assets of Freedom Convoy protesters.

Communists Don’t Like Bitcoin Because They Can’t Control

Ted Cruz said that Bitcoin represents freedom and decentralization. According to him, no government or organization can control the asset, and that’s why China decided to ban it.

Cruz argued that Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren was opposed to Bitcoin “for exactly the same reason”:

“Chinese communists and Elizabeth Warren are raising your assets, your savings, your speech, your life. wants to control your children and your every decision”

Senator Warren is known as one of the fiercest Bitcoin opponents.

Earlier this month, thousands of Canadians protested the government’s pandemic restrictions. As a result of the unrest, authorities asked financial institutions to freeze their bank accounts, and asked local cryptocurrency exchanges to do the same.

Cruz referred to a letter sent to the Canadian Supreme Court of Justice from crypto firm Nunchuk to make it clear that Bitcoin is different from other assets.

“Our software is free. We do not collect any user IDs and information other than email addresses. Therefore, we cannot freeze our users’ accounts. We can’t stop them from moving. This is by design”

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