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New investment plan from Tesla: Electricity transformation is accelerating!

According to the information revealed, Tesla will make a large investment in Gigafactory Shanghai. As a result of this investment, production capacity will be increased.
 New investment plan from Tesla: Electricity transformation is accelerating!
READING NOW New investment plan from Tesla: Electricity transformation is accelerating!

Tesla is among the largest electric car companies in the world. The company has factories in many parts of the world, and these factories produce thousands of cars each year and deliver their vehicles to customers.

Tesla recently opened the Gigafactory Shanghai in China. The company has produced only Tesla Model Y and Tesla Model 3 in this factory to date. According to the information revealed, Tesla wants to expand its production network by investing in Gigafactory Shanghai.

Tesla will invest in Gigafactory Shanghai!

Tesla recently opened two new factories in Texas and Berlin. Especially recently, due to the increasing demand for electric cars, the company is trying to meet the demand by establishing new factories. Apart from that, it makes it better by updating its factories. According to the information revealed, Tesla will make a large investment in Gigafactory Shanghai.

In November 2021, the company announced that it had invested $200 million in Gigafactory Shanghai to recruit 4,000 employees. According to data newly shared by Reuters, Tesla is also considering other investment plans. The company aims to expand its main export center by expanding its production line at Gigafactory Shanghai.

In its report to the city government, the company stated that it will add new parts production workshops to Gigafactory Shanghai and hire many new people. According to the allegations, Tesla will increase the annual production amount at the factory to 1 million with the new investment. In the fourth quarter of the previous 2021, the factory produced 178,000 units.

In 2021, Gigafactory Shanghai broke a record by producing 500,000 units. With the new plan, if this production is doubled, the delivery time offered by the company to customers will be greatly shortened. It was recently revealed that the company gave long delivery times of 1 year for the Model X.

With the new investment, delivery times will gradually shorten. So, what are your thoughts? What do you think about Tesla’s new Chinese investment? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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