Instagram Changed Daily Usage Limits

Instagram has changed the scope of its daily usage limit feature. Some users are now able to use options ranging from 30 minutes to 3 hours. The new limits will apply to all users in the near future.
 Instagram Changed Daily Usage Limits
READING NOW Instagram Changed Daily Usage Limits

Instagram, one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, has been focusing on how long users use this platform for a while. In the process, the developers published features such as setting a daily limit to the application and notifications that invite the user to take a break for long-term use. Now, there has been a remarkable development regarding the daily limit.

The daily usage limit feature on Instagram used to start from 5 minutes and increase regularly in the previous period. However, as of now, this situation has changed. Users, who access the “Time spent” and “Set daily time limit” menus, respectively, after entering the “actions” menu, can now choose between 30 minutes and 3 hours. With the arrangement made, you will be able to set your daily Instagram usage limit as 30 or 45 minutes and 1,2 or 3 hours.

Here are the renewed daily limits of Instagram

Instagram did not give any explanation as to why it did such a thing. However, the new time options seem to be somewhat advantageous for users. Because the daily usage limit of 5 minutes is not very useful in countries with low internet speed. This seems to appeal to all users, at least.

By the way; Instagram’s new time options are not yet available to all users. So if you want to set your daily usage limit as one of the options above, you should either choose the closest option from the old order or wait for the new options to be presented. It is not clear when the daily limit options will reach all users.

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