Steam adjusted its policies to prevent fake discounts

Steam updated its discount policy to prevent fake discounts on the store. Here are the new discount rules that Steam added to its policies.
 Steam adjusted its policies to prevent fake discounts
READING NOW Steam adjusted its policies to prevent fake discounts

Steam, the market’s largest PC game store, declared war on fake discounts on its store. Realizing that there are games that are discounted with funny numbers such as 1%, 2% in the store or that the price is increased beforehand and then offered for sale as if there were huge discounts, Steam dealt with the issue. Of course with new discount policies.

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Steam announced its new policies to prevent fake discounts

As you know, many sellers on Steam are trying to sell more with special discounts for certain days and allow more people to play the game. plans to reach. However, there are fake discounts on some games at the same time. For example, the games that were previously increased in price are then offered for sale as if they had huge discounts of 50%, 60%. Or the game is shown to be on sale with funny rates such as 1%, 2%. Steam has brought new rules that will put a stop to this work. Here are Steam’s new discount rules:

  • You can apply a launch discount, but once your launch discount expires, you can’t make another discount for 28 days.
  • It is not possible to discount the product for 28 days after a price increase in any currency.
  • Discounts cannot be made within 28 days of your previous sale, except for seasonal events across Steam.
  • Discounts for seasonal sale events cannot be made within 28 days of posting your title, within 28 days of your launch sale ending, or within 28 days of a price increase in any currency.
  • You cannot change your price while a promotion is currently live or scheduled for the future.
  • It is not possible to discount more than 90% or less than 10% on a product.
  • Special discounts cannot last longer than two weeks or less than 1 day.

Steam said stop fake discounts with these rules. However, he also stated that these rules will not apply during Steam’s four big sale every year. In other words, these discount rules will not be applied within the scope of Summer Sale, Winter Sale, Autumn Sale and New Year Sale.

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