Tutankhamun’s Dagger ‘Not Of This World’

Tutankhamun's belongings, which were excavated in 1920, continue to be studied today. From these items, new information has emerged about the dagger, which is thought to be a 1-meter-long family heirloom.
 Tutankhamun’s Dagger ‘Not Of This World’
READING NOW Tutankhamun’s Dagger ‘Not Of This World’

Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun has been the subject of many legends throughout history. It is thought that Tutankhamen, who is thought to have started his reign at the age of about 8-9, struggled with many diseases due to his birth from consanguineous marriage and therefore did not have a long life. His death at a young age was the subject of many legends, and the legend of ‘Tutankhamun’s curse’ may have arisen for this reason.

The interesting items unearthed from Tutankhamun’s tomb, which has been the subject of movies and documentaries, have been preserved until today. These items contained many interesting things such as Tutankhamun-shaped jars in which Tutankhamun’s organs were stored, a bill game, fans, and perfume caps. In 1920, a new study was conducted by archaeologists regarding one of the items unearthed from Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Investigations on Tutankhamun’s 1-meter dagger revealed interesting information.

The dagger was produced from an iron meteorite group

Archaeologists had initially declared that the dagger was made of iron, but this was a rather surprising development because nearly a century after the death of the Iron Age pharaoh had begun. A 2016 study suggested that Tutankhamun’s dagger might have been made from a meteorite, but no clear information could be obtained.

Researcher Tomoko Arai from Chiba Institute of Technology in Japan explained that they used non-contact and non-destructive two-dimensional chemical analysis to understand the origin of the dagger. With this examination, the iron, nickel, manganese and cobalt concentrations on the dagger were examined. Sulfur, chlorine, calcium and zinc were detected in the blackened spots of the blade. What surprised the researchers was the distribution of these substances.

Arai said, “We noticed that there was a criss-cross texture on both sides of the dagger. This brings to mind the Widmanstätten pattern of iron meteorites known as octahedrite. This was a moment when we were very surprised.” After this determination, the researchers clarified that the dagger was made from a group of iron meteorites known as octahedrites.

Tutankhamun’s dagger may have been produced in Anatolia

Although the researchers, who revealed that it was forged at low temperatures, cannot give precise information about where the dagger was forged, Ancient Egypt He says he might have been beaten in Anatolia, given his diplomatic activities in . In the 3,400-year-old tablets known as the Amarna Letters, Tutankhamun’s grandfather III. It is mentioned that Amenhotep married the daughter of the Mitanni king in Anatolia, and therefore an iron dagger with a gold sheath was given to the pharaoh. This means that Tutankhamun’s dagger could be a family heirloom forged in Anatolia. Stating that they will continue their research on the dagger, Arai says that they hope to reach more precise information about its origin in the coming days.

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