YouTube takes measures to reduce videos with false information

YouTube is taking various measures to reduce videos that contain false and false information. Here are the details...
 YouTube takes measures to reduce videos with false information
READING NOW YouTube takes measures to reduce videos with false information

Incorporating all kinds of content, .YouTube also has content producers who make informative videos. As in all areas of the internet, YouTube is not always a reliable source of information. Some creators also post videos that contain false or unfounded information to get high clicks. YouTube, on the other hand, is trying to prevent these unfounded videos. Here are the company’s statements and the measures they take…

YouTube wants to prevent false information in videos

YouTube made a statement on the subject today. The company talked about several new efforts it has undertaken to combat misinformation. In a blog post, YouTube chief product officer Neal Mohan summed up the company’s mission as “stopping misinformation before it goes viral, limiting cross-platform misinformation and better handling misinformation in languages ​​other than English.”

YouTube’s focus on other cross-platform sharing will limit viewing of videos that fall under the company’s current misinformation guidelines. YouTube stated that it has reduced the viewing of such videos to a certain level with the regulations it has implemented in the recommendation system it has made for its users. However, he added that shares and embed links on other platforms are still a problem.

Mohan said that among the measures to be taken are to disable the “Share” button under the videos that contain false information or to completely remove the access of these videos, which are already low in the algorithm, from YouTube. Interstitials, which warn that the video may contain false information, are also among the measures to be taken. In addition, age and graphic restrictions are also considered for these videos.

YouTube plans to collaborate with larger, culturally savvy teams, nonprofits and local experts to tackle misinformation around the world. It is also among YouTube’s plans to add new tags for videos on emerging, fast-evolving and spreading topics such as natural disasters.

With these measures, YouTube wants to correct the imbalance between freedom of expression and security and suppression of false information, which has emerged especially during the COVID-19 process. Mohan said:

While providing space for discussion and education on sensitive and controversial issues, we must be careful to strike a balance with limiting the spread of potentially harmful misinformation.

Critics say that YouTube is not careful and sensitive enough about this issue. In January, more than 80 confirmation groups sent a letter to YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki saying more action needed to be taken on videos containing misinformation spread within the app.

What do you guys think about videos with false information on YouTube? Do not forget to share your ideas and opinions with us in the comments.

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