The Marvel Cinematic Universe, which started with the first Iron Man movie in 2008, continues to progress after a total of 27 movies. However, the Avengers (The Avengers) series, where we see all the characters in the universe together, ended with Avengers: Endgame, which was released in 2019.
Although Marvel fans do not want to believe that Endgame is the last Avengers movie, today, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige made a statement that will upset the fans. Kevin Feige has officially described Avengers: Endgame as the ‘last Avengers movie’.
“The last Avengers movie” emphasis
Speaking in the Disney Plus documentary Assembled: The Making of Eternals, Feige said, “Marvel Studios and the Marvel Cinematic Universe 10 It has passed its .th anniversary and ended the 22-movie Infinity Saga with the release of the last Avengers movie.” used the phrases. On the other hand, a previous statement indicated that the fifth movie of the Avengers could come.
Feige announced in his statement in August 2021 that they would prefer a certain time after Endgame to launch a new saga, and that this saga is already in development. Afterwards, he stated that just as the Infinity sagas are in its early stages, it will take time to develop the saga and bring everyone together.