AFAD Reveals Risk Map for 2021

Within the scope of the ARAS Project, AFAD, together with approximately 300 technical personnel, drew up the risk map of the disasters in Turkey. According to the announced data, we experienced 23 thousand 753 earthquakes, 107 floods and floods and 66 forest fires last year.
 AFAD Reveals Risk Map for 2021
READING NOW AFAD Reveals Risk Map for 2021

As you know, the forest fires we experienced in 31 provinces of our country last year caused many forested areas to be ash. Unfortunately, the disasters we experienced in 2021 were not only limited to forest fires, but also floods and floods, earthquakes and landslides were experienced in many of our provinces.

In these days when we left behind the year 2021, when disasters did not leave us, AFAD drew up the risk map of the last year. The results of the research conducted by approximately 300 technical personnel in the Disaster Risk Analysis System (ARAS) Project initiated by AFAD in 2017 were shared.

34 thousand 593 landslides have occurred so far

According to the announced data, a total of 34 thousand 593 landslides, 4 thousand 822 rockfalls, 880 avalanches, 604 sinkholes While the event occurred, 39 landslides and 16 snow / blizzard events occurred in 2021. Although it is more common in regions with high slopes, it causes landslides in earthquakes. With the 5.1 magnitude earthquake in Erzurum, many landslides occurred in the region. Although most of the landslides in our country are small in scale, there are examples of those that are large enough to carry houses and even apartments.

The most forest fires occurred in the Aegean and Mediterranean Regions

According to the risk map created within the scope of the ARAS Project, we experienced a total of 66 forest fires in 2021. The regions with the most forest fires in 2021 were the Aegean and the Mediterranean. The fires that started in Antalya’s Manavgat district spread to many cities of our country. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of forest area turned to ash and unfortunately 8 people lost their lives. Personnel and vehicle reinforcements came from Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia, Spain, Croatia, Qatar and Iran to control the fires, in which thousands of animals were destroyed and many could not be saved.

We were shaken by 23 thousand 753 earthquakes

According to the data announced by AFAD, 23 thousand 753 earthquakes were experienced in our country last year, 3 of which were greater than 6 magnitudes. The earthquakes with magnitudes of 6.0, 6.1 and 6.3 did not affect our country much since they were in Crete island and its vicinity. Some of the biggest earthquakes affecting our country were the 5.2 magnitude Bingöl earthquake on 25 June, the 5.1 magnitude İzmir earthquake on 30 November, and the 5.1 magnitude Erzurum earthquake on 19 November.

107 floods and floods occurred

AFAD announced that they intervened in 1760 incidents last year. Of these, 107 were flood and inundation events. A total of 14 thousand 157 personnel and 5 thousand 26 vehicles were assigned to flood disasters in Düzce, Rize, Artvin and the Western Black Sea Region. As a result of floods, floods and landslides that occurred as a result of heavy rain in August, many of our provinces were declared disaster areas and 82 people lost their lives.

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