Zepp Health Releases 2021 User Health Status Report

Zepp Health Releases 2021 User Health Status Report
 Zepp Health Releases 2021 User Health Status Report
READING NOW Zepp Health Releases 2021 User Health Status Report

Smart wearable brand Zepp Health (NYSE: ZEPP) has released its 2021 report on user health in the light of anonymous data obtained from five countries around the world (USA, Spain, Italy, China and Russia). The report includes key findings from the data of more than 30 million users of the company’s smart wearables around the world in 2021.

The collected data was processed using data masking techniques to ensure personal information confidentiality. According to the report, it was determined that those who moved the least were US users, and the rate of entering the standard body mass index (BMI) range of these people was also low. Italians are among the most active users, while Spaniards walk more ways to stay fit.

Data from Zepp Health devices; It includes step count, sleep duration, body mass index (BMI), average weekly exercise time, and stress levels. The reports were created by comparing user metrics from five countries, including the USA, Spain, Italy, China and Russia, to put the global health situation in perspective.


Users included in the study from five countries seem to have not yet fully recovered their exercise patterns before the pandemic restrictions. Compared to 2020, users who sleep less than seven hours a day have more If the heart rate is high even while resting and the sleep duration is lower than normal, these data indicate that the stress level increases. In all five countries, women’s compliance with the standard body mass index is higher than men. On average, American citizens take the fewest steps per day. In addition, only 33.3% of users in this country have a standard body mass index. Chinese users were the least sleeper on average.

Sleep Duration and Stress Level: Italians get the best sleep

According to Zepp Health’s analysis of the correlation between sleep duration, stress level, and BMI, most users who sleep 7-8 hours a day have lower levels of sleep. sees stress levels and better overall health. It was also found that these users were more likely to enter the standard BMI range. According to the report, Chinese users get the least amount of sleep, with an average of less than seven hours a day.

Resting Heart Rate (RHR) corresponds to a measurement of a person’s heart rate at rest. The report shows that users with moderate stress levels tend to see an increase in RHR and a decrease in sleep scores. On the other hand, increased RHR stands out as a factor that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. These metrics are intended to inform users about the health risks associated with excessive stress and insufficient sleep.

The report also shows that US users are highly stressed and spend little time in physical activity, while Italian users have a good amount of daily sleep and spend more time exercising.

Physical activity: Not much has changed although restrictions have eased

WHO guidelines recommend that adults aged 18-64 receive 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobics, physical activity, or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous activity each week. intense aerobic physical activity or an equivalent combination of both. According to the report, 17.3% of Italians exercise more than once a week. This turns out to be a much higher percentage compared to Russia, where only 8.3% of users exercise more than once a week.

However, when compared to 2020, it is noteworthy that the number of users who exercise more than once a week remains almost the same in all countries. Although quarantine restrictions have eased, most people still seem unable to return to their old exercise habits.

On the other hand, the total step count of users in the US indicates a 6% decrease compared to the data in 2020. Users in the USA walk an average of 3.3 kilometers per day, which is a much shorter distance compared to other countries. Those who make the longest daily walk with 4.9 kilometers are Spanish citizens.

Body Mass Index (BMI): Fewer US users have a standard BMI

Blood Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) is accepted as an important physiological indicator of blood oxygen circulation. Abnormal blood-oxygen saturation levels can damage other parts of the body, such as the central nervous system, liver, and kidneys. Therefore, it can significantly reduce a person’s physical performance.

Among the five countries included in the report, Russia has the highest rate of users with normal blood-oxygen saturation, while Spain has the lowest measurements in this area. The blood-oxygen saturation level is also associated with sleep quality, and the report shows that users with normal blood-oxygen saturation levels tend to have higher sleep scores.

It uses the Body Mass Index (BMI) as an indicator of body weight. According to the report, only 33.3% of American users fall within the standard BMI range. On the other hand, the country with the highest user rate in the standard BMI range is China with 57.5%. It is followed by Italy, Russia and Spain.

In all five countries, women were found to have a higher standard BMI range than men. When looking at different age groups outside of China, users born after 2000 tend to outperform other age groups in terms of BMI.

Zepp Health continues with its mission of combining health with technology. While the pandemic conditions require a greater focus on self-care, the company is promoting a healthier and more productive lifestyle for everyone. According to Zepp Health 2021 User Health Reports from five countries of the world, it seems possible to step into a healthier life by getting enough sleep and allocating more time for exercise.

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