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Bill Gates wrote new book: How to Prevent the Next Pandemic?

Bill Gates' new book is about how to prevent the next pandemic. Microsoft's co-founder also touched on what it's like to be the subject of conspiracy theories in his book.
 Bill Gates wrote new book: How to Prevent the Next Pandemic?
READING NOW Bill Gates wrote new book: How to Prevent the Next Pandemic?

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has announced that he is writing a new book on how to prevent the next pandemic and what it’s like to be the focus of conspiracy theories . The US billionaire shared some details on this issue on his blog GatesNotes.

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Gates named his new book “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic”. It will be released in May of 2022. It will be published by Knopf Publishing House in the USA and by Penguin Random House in other countries.

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Gates said that the book will lay out concrete steps to prevent future pandemics and improve health services around the world. The founder of Microsoft also in his book, US infectious diseases expert Dr. He has also included regular meetings with public health leaders, including Anthony Fauci and World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

In his book, Gates also discussed what it has been like to be at the center of conspiracy theories that have emerged since the onset of COVID-19. He also cites claims that he promotes mass vaccination to inject people with traceable microchips.



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