The founder of Telegram once again criticized the WhatsApp application of Meta Platforms. According to Pavel Durov’s statement, encrypted correspondence was left open to potential attackers for years due to security vulnerabilities in WhatsApp. Durov says Telegram, which is a much more advanced application, has never had such problems.
Durov, who previously made harsh statements about WhatsApp, reminded that hackers have been able to access user messages for several years. The recent leaks of information about the North American-based company Boldend, which specializes in cyber warfare, support the validity of this statement.
“Never was safe”
The founder of Telegram has stated that since its debut, the WhatsApp application has not been safe for users even for a day. Saying that researchers find new vulnerabilities in the application every few months, Durov said that he explained this issue in detail in 2020, but nothing has been fixed since then.
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