What is IPS Display? Advantages and Disadvantages

IPS, one of the most common technologies used in digital device screens in recent years, is one of the indispensable systems of LCD screens. The use of IPS screens has many advantages as well as disadvantages that vary according to the user. Let's take a closer look at what an IPS screen is.
 What is IPS Display? Advantages and Disadvantages
READING NOW What is IPS Display? Advantages and Disadvantages

We examine and admire the developments in technology in recent years, generally at the level of software or technical hardware. However, we often ignore the screen technologies that reflect all these developments to us. IPS screen is one of them. IPS technology, which is the most important supporter of LCD screens, is one of the most widely used screen technologies in recent years.

So, what is an IPS display? Although it has a cool name, the mystery of this technology, which looks like screens we know, is hidden in the movement of liquid crystals and the reflection of light. When we say light, of course, you understand that the biggest advantage of this screen is vivid colors. Let’s take a closer look at what an IPS screen is and see the advantages and disadvantages of this technology.

What is IPS screen?

In Plane Switching, IPS for short, in Turkish; it is actually one of the types of LCD screens we know. The IPS display consists of a backlit mirror placed behind the polarizers. The highlight of the IPS display, which uses liquid crystals to transmit light, is that the liquid crystals are perfectly aligned.

As soon as the IPS screen communicates with electricity, the liquid crystals in question begin the show. If this IPS screen also has a touch feature, a protective glass screen is added to this layer. Most touchscreens and high-end monitors use IPS display technology as standard.

There are two other types of LCD displays called TN and VA. Basically they work in a similar system with IPS screen in TN, VA. But the alignment of liquid crystals in IPS display technology is absent in other types. That’s why IPS screen technology is still used and recommended as the best type of LCD screen.

IPS screen advantages:

  • IPS display has 8-bit RGB color depth, capable of producing 16.7 million different colors.
  • The IPS display will show consistent levels of contrast and brightness no matter which angle you look at it from.
  • With its wide viewing angle and backlight, the IPS screen can even display gold in sunlight.
  • It has a much longer life than similar technologies.

The advantages of IPS screen technology in general are as follows. Depending on the user habits, it is possible to add dozens of items among these advantages, but for a standard user, the IPS screen offers such advantages.

When we look at the advantages of the IPS screen, we can say with certainty that it offers much better colors and brightness than its counterparts. According to the usage area, its performance under sunlight can make it unique. Its longevity is ideal for users who do not want to change their hardware frequently.

IPS screen disadvantages:

  • IPS screen has limited contrast ratio compared to VA and AMOLED screen.
  • IPS screen consumes 15% more power than TN and similar screens.
  • IPS screen has slower pixel response time than TB and AMOLED screen.
  • Since the production cost is high, the selling price is also high.

In general, these are the disadvantages that IPS screen technology offers to its users. Depending on the user habits, it is possible to add tens of items among these disadvantages, but for a standard user, the IPS screen offers such disadvantages.

When we look at the disadvantages of the IPS screen, it will be annoying for many users that it has a high sales price and consumes more energy when working on it than other technologies. Contrast cap and slow pixel response time aren’t a big deal for standard users, but they’re pretty unsavory performance for gamers.

What is IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) and what does it do?

Intrusion Prevention System with IPS abbreviation is not related to IPS display. Intrusion Prevention System; It is a virtual safety net that detects, prevents and stops virtual threats. Working together with the Intrusion Detection System, which has the abbreviation IDS, they create an important firewall against many different virtual threats, especially DDoS.

What is IPS in mice?

The IPS value we hear in mice has nothing to do with the IPS screen. Mouse IPS value indicates Inch Per Second, that is, the movement of the mouse per second. An IPS value of 100 represents a speed of 2.54 m/s. Although it varies according to the usage area, it is recommended that the IPS value of the mouse be more than 300.

We talked about some abbreviations that you can confuse with IPS screen by answering questions such as what is IPS screen, which is one of the most widely used screen technologies in recent years, what are its advantages and disadvantages. If you are using an IPS display, you can share your experience in the comments.

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