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Frightening Warning About the Future From Bill Gates

Famous businessman Bill Gates gave a frightening warning about the future in his new statement. Gates explained that in the future, pathogens that can cause much more deadly and serious diseases than coronavirus can be seen.
 Frightening Warning About the Future From Bill Gates
READING NOW Frightening Warning About the Future From Bill Gates

Bill Gates, who warned 6 years ago about a huge epidemic such as the coronavirus epidemic we live today, made a statement that will make you feel even worse today. As the Bill & Melinda Foundation announced its $150 million commitment to the Coalition for Outbreak Preparedness Innovations, Gates warned of future outbreaks stronger than the coronavirus.

Calling on governments to contribute billions of dollars to prepare for the next global pandemic, Gates explained that the Omciron and Delta variants are some of the most contagious viruses ever seen. But Gates noted that in the future, the world may have to face a pathogen that causes much higher death rates or serious illness.

World’s priorities ‘weird’

Gates, in the continuation of his statements, said that the priorities of the world were ‘strange’. Stating that it is the duty of philanthropists and wealthy governments to address the issue of vaccine inequality, Gates said, “When we talk about spending billions of dollars to save… trillions of economic damage and tens of billions of lives, it’s a pretty good insurance policy. ” he said.

Stating that the reason for the development of the vaccine today is the money at risk, Gates said, “So there was a great global benefit. We are all much smarter now and we need more capacity next time. Finally, he explained that innovations for a future epidemic can also eliminate current global health problems such as HIV and better tuberculosis and malaria vaccines.

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