Pandemic Doubles Billionaires’ Fortune

Oxfam, which continues to work on inequality, announced that inequality has increased more in the pandemic. According to the agency, the world's richest people added to their fortunes between March 2020 and November 2021. On the other hand, poverty is increasing.
 Pandemic Doubles Billionaires’ Fortune
READING NOW Pandemic Doubles Billionaires’ Fortune

Oxfam, which was founded in 1942 and conducts research on inequality on a global scale, made striking statements. A new report by the institution has revealed that the 10 richest people in the world have doubled their wealth during the pandemic period. According to Oxfam, which speaks of a very high amount of 1.5 trillion dollars, the richest increase their wealth several times, while ordinary people are getting poorer.

According to Oxfam, which makes calculations using Forbes’ Billionaires Index, the wealth of the world’s 10 richest names increased by $ 821 billion between March 2020 and November 2021. The daily income of these people was almost 1.3 billion dollars. When we look at the research from the reverse, we encounter an unprecedented situation. According to Oxfam’s research, by 2030, at least 3.3 billion people will be earning less than $5.5 per day.

What was the wealth of the world’s richest people in March 2020?

  1. Jeff Bezos: $129.9 billion
  2. Bill Gates: 113.1 billion dollars
  3. Bernard Arnault: $107.8 billion
  4. Warren Buffett: $89.4 billion
  5. Mark Zuckerberg: $79.3 billion
  6. Amancio Ortega: $76.6 billion
  7. Larry Errison: $69.4 billion
  8. Carlos Slim Helu: $69.2 billion
  9. Larry Page: $67.9 billion
  10. Sergey Brin: $65.5 billion

In the above list, you see that the total wealth of the world’s richest people in March 2020 was $868.1 billion. Frankly, even though these numbers are astonishing, when we compare them with today, there are mountains in between. For example, Elon Musk has turned this list upside down, which he was not included in March 2020. Let’s take a look at how the situation is today. For the sake of clarity, we will also base our Forbes real-time billionaire rankings.

What is the wealth of the 10 richest people in the world today (17.01.2022)?

  1. Elon Musk: $268.1 billion
  2. Jeff Bezos: $188 billion
  3. Bernard Arnault: $187.8 billion
  4. Bill Gates: $134.5 billion
  5. Larry Errison: $120.1 billion
  6. Larry Page:119.4 billion dollars
  7. Mark Zuckerberg: $117.5 billion
  8. Warren Buffett: $116.9 billion
  9. Sergey Brin: $115.1 billion
  10. Steve Ballmer: $98.5 billion

When we look at Forbes’s “Real Time Billionaires” index, we see that the total assets of the 10 richest people in the world today have reached the level of 1.47 trillion dollars. Although there are a few minor changes in the list, as you can see; Assets have increased visibly in a very short time. Oxfam also explained what can be done with this money.

According to Oxfam’s report, the combined assets of the world’s 10 richest people could end gender-based violence in 80 countries. Also, with this money, anyone in the world can be vaccinated against diseases. According to Oxfam, which states that a universal health system can be established, an unprecedented resource can be provided for the climate crisis with 1.47 trillion dollars.

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