Space Missions Planned in 2022

NASA's space missions will continue unabated in 2022, as has been the case for a long time. The main purpose of the planned space missions is to get to know the universe we live in, neighboring planets and much more distant planets. Let's take a closer look at the space missions planned by NASA in 2022.
 Space Missions Planned in 2022
READING NOW Space Missions Planned in 2022

No, the cat on that cover will not go to space, but we are one step closer to taking our dear friends to other planets to live with us. So when? Steps to be taken this year. We are announcing the space missions that will take place in 2022.

Since 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has carried out many important space missions, especially going to the Moon. Thanks to these studies, we had the opportunity to get to know the universe we live in today, neighboring planets and much more distant planets. In 2022, these tasks will continue without slowing down. Of course, these missions may not go exactly as planned. Because we’re talking about space, anything can go wrong at any moment. For this reason, let’s not go without mentioning that most of the tasks on our list are planned to be done in 2022 at the earliest.

Space missions scheduled for 2022:

  • Starting CubeSat task
  • Near-Earth Asteroid Scout mission
  • Lunar InfraRed Imaging task
  • OMOTENASHI quest
  • EQUULEUS quest
  • The Intuitive Machines 1 quest
  • CAPSTONE experiment
  • Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter mission
  • BepiColombo quest
  • Psyche task
  • Janus quest
  • The Lucy quest
  • The JUpiter ICy moons Explorer mission
  • PRIME-1 task
  • The Peregrine Lunar Lander quest

CubeSat mission launch: We’ll find out if there’s really water on the moon

If the CubeSat mission succeeds, we’ll finally know if there really is water on the Moon. The purpose of the Lunar Ice Cube vehicle, which will be sent to the Moon within the scope of the mission, is to examine the distribution of other organic volatile substances, especially water. If the mission is successful, the process of the emergence of organic matter will also be understood.

Near-Earth Asteroid Scout mission: Go to the nearest asteroid to target earth

As part of the Near-Earth Asteroid Scout mission, a vehicle similar to the one used in the CubeSat mission will be sent to the nearest Earth asteroid and returned. Even the smooth commute of this vehicle is considered a success, but NASA engineers, who are not satisfied with this, aim to learn everything about the asteroid at the end of this mission.

Lunar InfraRed Imaging mission: ‘Deep space technologies’ put to the test

It looks like NASA has decided to make their journeys to the Moon and Mars routine for good. As part of the Lunar InfraRed Imaging mission, spacecraft that will be sent to the Moon and, if possible, to Mars, will test how untested deep space technologies affect transit and long-term journeys.

OMOTENASHI mission: A much more technological lunar journey

A task that makes you ask, “Well, you’ve been there before?” The purpose of the OMOTENASHI mission, prepared by the Japanese Space Agency JAXA and the University of Tokyo with the support of NASA, is to test landing and maneuvering in lunar orbit. Of course, it is normal to test vehicles using a technology that is much superior to going to the first Moon, but it is still normal for people to be in doubt.

EQUULEUS mission: ‘This little maneuver could cost us 51 years’

The aim of the EQUULEUS mission, which was prepared by the Japanese Space Agency JAXA and the University of Tokyo, also with the support of NASA, is to test some maneuvers using Sun-Earth_Moon dynamics in Earth-Moon release orbit.

The Intuitive Machines 1 mission: Sending cargo to the Moon

The Intuitive Machines 1 mission is actually a simple cargo transport mission. As part of the mission, a vehicle called Nova-C will be sent to the Vallis Schroteri region of the Moon. There will be some NASA payloads inside the vehicle.

CAPSTONE experiment: Trailer of space travels in the coming years

The Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation, in short the CAPSTONE experiment, will be a small demonstration. The purpose of the experiment is to plot a near-linear course in the orbit of the Moon. If the experiment is successful, space travel in the coming years is expected to be much safer.

Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter mission: South Korea’s first lunar mission

The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter mission, planned by the Korean Aerospace Research Institute KARI with the support of NASA, will be South Korea’s first lunar mission. As part of the mission, some South Korean and US-made systems will be sent to lunar orbit. One of these systems to be tested is the space internet. Of course, another purpose is to determine routes and landing points for future missions.

BepiColombo mission: Aim to get as close as possible to Mercury and Venus

Get ready, we’re going to Mercury. The aim of the mission, planned by the European Space Agency ESA with the support of NASA, is to get as close as possible to Mercury and Venus. Previously, some vehicles had already been sent as part of this mission. The BepiColombo mission aims to go one step further than previous vehicles.

Psyche mission: We discover a metallic asteroid for the first time

The aim of the Psyche mission is to reach a metallic asteroid named Psyche 16, located in the main asteroid belt, and conduct studies on its orbit. If this mission succeeds, it will be the first time we have discovered a metallic asteroid.

Janus mission: The formation process of the binary asteroid system will be examined

As part of the Janus mission, two small spacecraft will be sent to the main asteroid belt. The main target is the binary asteroid system designated 1996 FG3 and 1991 VH. The purpose of the mission is to study binary asteroid systems and unravel their formation processes.

The Lucy mission: We can understand how the solar system formed

The purpose of The Lucy mission is to observe a main belt asteroid called Trojan asteroids and seven other asteroids orbiting in front of and behind Jupiter. It is thought that when we understand the structure of Trojan asteroids, we will unravel the first stages of the formation of the Solar System.

The JUpiter ICy moons Explorer mission: flyover to 3 moons of Jupiter

The purpose of The JUpiter ICy moons Explorer mission, planned by the European Space Agency ESA with the support of NASA, is to enter Ganymede’s orbit after performing multiple flights to Ganymede, Callisto and Europa, the moons of Jupiter. If the mission is successful, the characterization of the ocean layers found on these satellites will be understood.

Mission PRIME-1: A probe will be placed on the surface of the Moon

As part of the PRIME-1 mission, a probe and mass spectrometer will be lowered into the Moon’s south polar region. Thanks to these downloaded tools, the feasibility of the on-site resource utilization system called ISRU will be examined.

The Peregrine Lunar Lander mission: The first of the cargo missions where we’ll see many more

The Peregrine Lunar Lander mission is actually a simple cargo transport mission. As The Peregrine Lunar Lander is a large-scale mission, the first vehicle to be sent in 2022 is considered Peregrine Mission 1. So in the coming years, we may hear many more The Peregrine Lunar Lander missions.

We listed the space missions planned by NASA in 2022 to solve the mysteries of the universe and briefly talked about the purposes of these missions. You can share your thoughts about the space missions to be done in the comments.

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