What is XLS File, How to Open?

A file that you have prepared with Excel, one of the most frequently used Microsoft Office programs. xls extension, but this is a file format of older versions of the program. Let's take a closer look at the questions like what is an XLS file and how to open it.
 What is XLS File, How to Open?
READING NOW What is XLS File, How to Open?

Office programs are indispensable in daily life for many employees, but even if you are not one of these employees, you must have worked with Office programs at least a few times in your life. When you prepare a table with Excel, one of the Microsoft Office programs, the . You may have seen that it is saved in XLS file format with xls extension. This format is a file format specific to Excel.

If you currently have Excel installed on your computer and you see the XLSX file format, do not be surprised because the XLS file format has been used for a while and has been replaced by other formats that are much more useful. So, how to open XLS file? Let’s take a closer look at what an XLS file is and see alternative methods to open an XLS file even if Excel is not installed on your computer.

What is an XLS file?

The file format valid in the 97 and 2003 version packages of Excel, which is one of the Microsoft Office programs, is . xls extension is an XLS file. In other words, if you prepared a table with Microsoft Excel 97 or Microsoft Excel 2003, it means that it was saved in XLS file format. The XLS file format stores all the formatted data needed for an Excel table, such as images, text, tables, rows, columns.

How to open XLS file?

  • Method #1: Opening an XLS file with Microsoft Online Office
  • Method #2: Opening XLS file with XLS Viewer Free program
  • Method #3: Opening XLS file with XLS Viewer, Editor plugin
  • Method #4: Opening an XLS file online with Aspose

Method #1: Opening an XLS file with Microsoft Online Office:

  • Step #1: Open the Microsoft Online Office website from here.
  • Step #2: Sign in with your Microsoft account information.
  • Step #3: Select the Excel service from the left column.
  • Step #4: Click on ‘Upload and open…’.
  • Step #5: Select the XLS file you want to open.
  • Step #6: Your file will be opened after a period of time depending on the file size.
  • Step #7: You can edit the file within the limits of Microsoft Online Office.
  • Step #8: You can download the file you have edited via the file options to your computer.
    • or
  • Step #9: You can save the file you have edited via the file options to your OneDrive account.
  • Step #10: You’re done.

Just follow the steps above to open an XLS file with Microsoft Online Office. Because XLS is an Excel file format, the best way to open it is to use Excel. If you do not have the Excel program installed on your computer, you can use the Microsoft Online Office service free of charge.

Method #2: Opening XLS file with XLS Viewer Free program:

You can open both XLS and XLSX format files with the XLS Viewer Free application, which you can download for free from the Microsoft application store with the link here.

Method #3: Opening XLS file with XLS Viewer, Editor plugin:

If you are using the Google Chrome web browser and need to open XLS files frequently, you can download the XLS Viewer, Editor plugin for free on the link here. XLS Viewer, Editor; It can view spreadsheet files in many different formats, especially XLS and XLSX.

Method #4: Opening an XLS file online with Aspose:

You can view your XLS files online without downloading any program and without paying any fee, on the Aspose website, which you can access via the link here. If you wish, it is possible to perform different operations on XLS and similar spreadsheet files by downloading the program of the service offered to your computer.

How is XLS conversion done?

If you want to convert the XLS file to a different file format, the most effective method is to open it with Excel or Excel Online, and then select a new format via the save as option. Since the file format is changed directly by the program it is associated with, it does not cause any problems.

If you don’t want to do XLS conversion via Excel, you can use the link here. You can convert XLS file to different file formats by accessing Data Converter file conversion service. However, you may not get as successful results as with the Excel method.

We answered questions such as what is the XLS file, which is the recording format of files created with Microsoft Excel for a while, and how to open it, and we talked about the different methods you can apply to open this file format.

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