Foods For Dogs To Eat

Want to give your dog a healthier life? In this content, we have listed 11 foods that you can give to your dog other than food. You can easily give these foods in different proportions and according to your dog's health condition.
 Foods For Dogs To Eat
READING NOW Foods For Dogs To Eat

It is up to us to protect the health of our animal friends, who are more loyal to us than any human being. Our pets, which have become members of your family, do not eat every meal we eat. That’s why veterinarians tell your cats and dogs not to give your own food, but to give dry food instead. Of course, there are also important factors at this point. The nutrients in the dry food you will give your friend are extremely important. The cheap foods you buy from the market may not contain the nutrients your friend needs.

Today, the annoying price increase in food prices leads to different alternative searches. Today, we will list the foods that you can give to your dog friends other than food. However, let us remind you that even these foods should be given carefully. Let’s move on to our list.

11 Foods Dogs Can Eat

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Carrot
  • Apple
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Peanut butter
  • Blueberry
  • Banana
  • Cucumber
  • Watermelon

Scrambled eggs

Eggs, which we have included in foods that you should not give to your cats and dogs before, can be given while they are cooked. Egg; In addition to vitamin A, it contains vitamin B12, folic acid, fatty acids, digestible protein, demi, riboflavin and selenium. This helps your dog get the vitamins he needs.

Of course, there are points to be considered at this point. First of all, you should not give your dog raw eggs. Raw eggs can harm your friend due to the bacteria in it. Also, some dogs may be sensitive to eggs. If your friend has digestive problems after eating eggs, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian.


Carrot; It is an extremely healthy food for dogs. Helping to remove plaque from the teeth, carrots strengthen your dog’s immune system. Carrots also contain vitamin A, which is beneficial for your dog’s skin and coat.


Apple; It is a fruit that contains many vitamins, especially vitamins A and C. Helping to regulate your dog’s digestion, apples are also cited as a good source of fiber. The point you need to pay attention to in apples is that they are not rotten. Rotten apples can cause alcohol poisoning in dogs.

Milk and milk products

In our previous article, we said that you should pay attention to these products. These products are also on our list, but there is an important point here. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt are foods that you can give your dogs in small amounts. If you give your dog too much milk, you can cause digestive problems. Since the lactase enzyme value, which breaks down the sugar in milk, is low, these products should be given carefully.

Also, dogs with lactose intolerance should not consume dairy products. If your dog experiences diarrhea and vomiting after eating milk or anything containing milk, he may be lactose intolerant. At this point, I suggest you consult your veterinarian.

fish and shrimp

Your dog needs healthy proteins. Among them, of course, there are fish. Sea creatures such as salmon, shrimp, tuna are safe for dogs to eat. Of course, it is necessary to make sure that they are not awns. Salmon and tuna provide omega-3s that will boost your dog’s immune system and keep his coat and skin healthy.

In addition, vitamin B in shrimp protects your dog’s digestive system and supports blood circulation. As with other animal foods, it is important to cook fish well. Because uncooked fish can contain harmful parasites.


Especially when your dog has an upset stomach, you can give a plain, unseasoned boiled chicken. Of course, at this point, the thing you need to pay attention to is to purify the chicken bones, which can turn into a knife. These bones can cut into your dog’s stomach tube or stomach, causing serious problems.

peanut butter

Unsalted peanut butter, which has no added sugar or sweetener, is among the foods you can give your dog in low amounts. Peanut butter is rich in vitamins E and B. It also contains niacin, healthy fats and protein. The thing you should pay attention to most when giving peanut butter is a sweetener called xylitol. If there is a sweetener called xylitol in the peanut butter you give your dog, this can cause serious harm to your dog. Xylitol has a toxic effect for dogs and should never be consumed.


Blueberries; It is an extremely safe fruit for dogs. Blueberries, which relieve various health problems in dogs, are a source of fiber and contain antioxidants and phytochemicals. According to a study, it was stated that antioxidants can help improve problems that occur in older dogs.


Another fruit you can give your dogs is banana. In moderation, this fruit is packed with magnesium, which will help your dog’s bone health. Bananas can be a food that you will give your dog occasionally due to the sugar in it.


Cucumbers, which are mostly water, can be a good snack for your dog. Cucumber, which can be given to overweight dogs, contains many vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin K.


Watermelon is a fruit that you can give in moderation. However, when giving watermelon, you should make sure that the seeds are removed. Watermelon seeds can clog your dog’s intestines. Also, watermelon peel can cause stomach upset. Watermelon, which has a high water content, ensures that your dog, who does not drink much water, will meet its water needs and also get vitamins A, C and B-6.

We have come to the end of our content, where we have compiled the foods that you can give to your dog. In addition, by clicking here, you can reach our content where we list the foods that you should definitely not give to your dog.

Please thoroughly research how much you should give your dog before giving a food. According to your dog’s weight and breed, you need to feed it without exceeding a certain amount.

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Source: 1, 2, 3

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