Children of Rich Families Have More Rotting Teeth

A new study published by scientists examined the effects of socioeconomic status on dental health. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that children from wealthy families were more at risk of developing tooth decay than other children.
 Children of Rich Families Have More Rotting Teeth
READING NOW Children of Rich Families Have More Rotting Teeth

It has been stated many times before by experts that socioeconomic status has important effects on people’s health. After all, people who can be characterized as more ‘rich’ or ‘affluent’ are more likely to be able to mix healthier foods. However, a new study has provided a different perspective on this situation, revealing new data on children from wealthy families.

The study, published in the Journal of Dentistry, found that children from wealthy families were more likely to have tooth decay than others. As a result of meta-analyses, experts stated that this possibility is higher even in children who go to the dentist regularly.

Fizzy drinks increase the risk of tooth decay

Systematic reviews within the scope of the study; showed that the corrosive effects of sodas, juices and energy drinks destroy the ‘privileges’ afforded by wealth and education. In the study, which was conducted with the participation of 60,000 people aged 6 to 79 from 30 countries, it was discovered that there are important links between socioeconomic level and dental health.

As a result of the analyzes of the experts; found that children and adolescents who went to private school and whose parents had higher education and income levels were more likely to have tooth decay. The fact that such families paid more attention to dental care also made the study very interesting. Researcher Khaled Ahmed from Griffith University in Australia also used the following statements about his work:

Fizzy drinks, energy drinks and packaged juices are consumed by wealthy families in many countries. Sugar-free versions of these drinks also remain acidic. Children with high socioeconomic status also have easier access to such drinks, so children who can be described as ‘rich’ have a higher risk of tooth decay than others.

“People with high socioeconomic status face fewer dental and stomach problems as they age”

Of course, we can say that billions of people around the world have encountered tooth decay throughout their lives. This is also true for children of low socioeconomic status. However, when these children get older instead of young, they may encounter decay because less attention is paid to their dental health. For this reason, this research draws attention because it affects those who take care of their dental health.

In addition, the study revealed that people with higher education and income levels face less tooth decay as they age. Scientists stated that the biggest reason for this is that these people eat healthier, pay attention to oral hygiene and go to the dentist regularly. It was reported that the unhealthy diet of low socioeconomic people and the more dealing with stress and depression negatively affect their dental health and increase the risk of encountering stomach diseases.

Scientists emphasize the need to focus more on such studies and believe that the effects of socioeconomic level on human health should be transferred to the society. In addition, it is underlined that it is very important to pay attention to dental health and diet, regardless of your socioeconomic level.

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