The drilling ship will pierce China’s world shell 11 km ready for mission

The drilling ship will pierce China’s world shell 11 km ready for mission

We saw the efforts to pierce the Earth’s shell and make a hole in the cold war. But these efforts were always started in terrestrial areas and somehow had been history. Now, China is preparing to set out from the ocean to a place where humanity hasn’t gone before, under the Earth’s shell, mantle.

Scientists assigned Meng Xiang, a gigantic drilling ship built to make miles on the sea base to achieve this goal. If it is successful, this task can reveal the secrets of the interior of the Earth and the tectonic forces that shape our planet.

Meng Xiang officially entered service in November 2024 and the sea base was reported to be capable of drilling up to 11 kilometers (6.8 miles).

There are some other scientific drilling ships that work, but none of them are in this caliber. Joides Resolution, Japan’s 7 -kilometer maximum drilling depth and a US maximum maximum drill depth of the USA. However, the US ship has already been scrap. For a long time, piercing the world for the United States has been one of the latest needs. It seems that there are no resources to allocate this scientific “fantasy”. With 36 trillion -dollar national debts, they are trying to raise money for wars around the world.

China’s new scientific ship Meng Xiang aims to break down on geological research. The giant ship, which is a length of 179.8 meters (589 fit) from the beginning, can be self -sufficient for 120 days and contains nine scientific laboratories conducting a crew of 180 people as well as geology, geochemistry, microbiology and ocean science.

In the inner parts, the continental shell is approximately 37.5 kilometers thick. However, the ocean shell is usually only 5 to 7 kilometers. In addition, due to dynamic geological movements, there are ridges in the middle of the ocean, which is even thinner. Therefore, to drill the shell under the sea 11 km will mean access to very valuable information about the internal structure of the world.

Let’s see if China will share its findings with the world, or will it use the information it has acquired to turn it into a gun in the war with the US.