In some stormy weather, lightning can be seen over the clouds. This rare weather event is called “Blue Jet Fairy”. However, it is not easy to catch and photograph them.
In the past years, NASA had tried to record with aircraft flying on the storm clouds to document this celestial event and managed to capture a little photograph. Now, an astronaut in ISS managed to clearly record the image of this incident.

Astronaut and astrophotoglu Don Pettit shared a photo taken by his colleague Butch Wilmore at the International Space Station (ISS) for a long time in Reddit and wrote: “Here is a blue jet-Sprite photographed by my crew butch Wilmore.”
As Pettit explained, this phenomenon is not yet fully understood. While this image occurs due to a beam or lightning rising from the clouds to space, while the blue jets and red jinn can be seen by both reliable witnesses on the ground and pilots in the air for decades.
Lightning that jumps up from the clouds
According to explanations about the blue jet phenomenon, sometimes the blue or green light columns spread upwards at large speeds from the top of the thunderstorm clouds. Previously, these lights are only accepted as a rumor, albeit difficult, it is known that scientists are now real after a few photographs and appearances have been captured. But why and how they are still unknown because at a completely random point, they are formed in seconds and disappear, and scientists have no chance of being in the right place to measure them. The only detail we know is that like normal lightning falls, the spriters occur after an electrical charge accumulation in the clouds, but they turn upwards, not down.