Does it make you sick to be exposed to a long period of smell? Or is that pain that comes to you spiritual?

Does it make you sick to be exposed to a long period of smell? Or is that pain that comes to you spiritual?

Is there any possibility that odors will play with people’s health? What is the equivalent of science?

Let’s examine in detail.

Bad smells see a warning mission for our nose, but it doesn’t waste us.

So it does not cause a direct danger to our health. Because fragrance molecules are very small and consist of only a few atoms. This is not enough for the transport of viruses.

There are fragrance sensor cells in the human nose that vary in the middle of 6 to 10 million. They consist of 400 different cell types and each responds to a different protein.

In addition, an odor molecule warns multiple odor receptors. In order to create a chord in music, the combination of the stimulated cells determines the smell we receive.

The brain interprets some of these scents as pleasant as some of them as unpleasant.

But not all of these molecules around our nose. Some of them are realizing the wealthy skin for odor buyers, just in our nose. It also goes to clothes, carpets and food.

Again, how long this smell molecules can live on the surface they fall, depends on the surface of the object. While some places imprison the smell more, some do not perform this kind of performance.

For example, a carpet has more recesses and protrusions that molecules can be trapped, and keeps the smell on it for a longer period than a smooth surface element. In fact, when some odor molecules encounter strong places, he can stay there for years.

For example, when it comes to macus fragrance, the feces come to mind first.

Of course, there is a reason why the feces smell so much. The feces have the potential to host the frustration of all kinds of frustrations. For this reason, touching the stool and bringing it closer to the mouth can cause you to get various diseases. Smell is without danger.

However, in addition to all these, macûs scents can create negative effects in psychological sense. For example, as researchers say, smelling and exposing a root smell and exposure to it does not cause a random health problem. But of course it is possible to develop some symptoms spiritually.

Sources: New York State Department of Health, Popular Science, BBC Science Focus