The flu, which we know as influenza, started in the United States, but why was it called “Spanish Flu”?

The flu, which we know as influenza, started in the United States, but why was it called “Spanish Flu”?

Although everyone in the world knew him as a Spanish flu, it was actually a kind of influenza. This epidemic, which caused the death of millions of people, did not actually occur in Spain.

So why did his name remain as the Spanish flu?

Under this story lies a fact that surprises.

Just as today’s pandema, there was a great pandemia in the years that could be considered as the turning point of history. The origin of this flu, which is considered one of the most deadly outbreaks in history, is still not clear.

Those periods continued World War I. This virus, which emerged on the occasion of the countries on the occasion, was able to influence everyone. The countries participating in the war censored the news about the epidemic on the name of not negatively affecting the course of the war.

The people were in panic.

The epidemic was launched as small as possible and reports on the disease were terminated. While the usual countries were in panic, there was a country that did not participate in the war: Spain.

Spain was the only country that was not affected by censorship because it did not participate in the war. The Spanish press clearly reported that the disease has spread contrary to other countries and the proportions of the mev, which created the impression that the Spanish flu in other countries was much more common and made great losses.

The epidemic was not only effective in Spain.

Although it was assumed that it was only effective in Spain or emerged there, the disease was actually spread rapidly around the world, and around 50 million people died of this epidemic.

Spain, on the other hand, had only an uncensored, impartial press stance. As a matter of fact, the whole world learned this epidemic from the Spanish press, and its name remained on Spain.

There is no finding that the outbreak spread in Spain.

Years of research, Spanish flu from Spain did not spread to the world. On the contrary, it was probably spread from countries to France, Britain or USA.

This virus was a H1N1 -type influenza virus. It was similar to the H1N1 virus, which also caused the swine flu pandemia in 2009. It was much more deadly in 1918. The epidemic, which led to a great destruction in Europe, spread rapidly in the middle of the soldiers. Inadequate medical infrastructure was also an extra increasing the loss of life.

The Spanish flu, which has been in history as an unprecedented epidemic in the history of medicine, is one of the biggest outbreaks that caused the death of millions of healthy people. We wish that the continuation does not come.

Sources: 1, 2

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