What is Musk Fragrance, How is it Obtained?

As humanity, we have been using perfumes for hundreds of years, and our favorite scent in every period of history is musk. What would you say if we told you that the musk scent, which is frequently used in men's perfumes, is obtained from the vomit of animals, glands near the anus and penis? Let's get to know the smell of musk a little closer.
 What is Musk Fragrance, How is it Obtained?
READING NOW What is Musk Fragrance, How is it Obtained?

You will go out for a nice night out. You were dressed, adorned, hair was done; it’s time for perfume. Of course, you will definitely use a perfume that contains musk, as it has been for hundreds of years. Musk is one of the main perfume notes with a heavy, persistent scent that is generally described as earthy and woody. Although many people think that this scent comes from a tree, the reality is a little different.

All of the fragrances used in perfumes are either taken directly from nature or prepared by being inspired by nature. Today, all kinds of scents can be obtained using chemicals, but musk-like scents sometimes had to be obtained from the source. When we heard about this source, most of the time, it was not a place that we would like. Let’s take a closer look at what the smell of musk is and how it is obtained.

The mating scent of male musk deer:

You must have seen musk deer living in northern Asia and Europe, often in Russia and Mongolia. Unlike other deer species, male musk deer do not have imposing antlers that symbolize their strength. Instead, they have vampire-like teeth dangling from either side of their jaws. I have to admit that they look pretty cute.

Like all animals, the mating ritual of musk deer is a little different. Wanting to mate, a male musk deer enters the forest and begins to stink from a cloth the size of a golf ball located between his penis and testicles. This emitted scent provides both the marking of the area and attracting the attention of the females. Yeah; that scent, that scent.

Why not use the deer’s gland in perfumes?

It is not known who came to mind in the historical process, but these glands, in which the male musk deer emanate such an intense smell that it smells the whole forest, began to be taken by people. When this gland is still fresh, it emits a rather foul odor. Therefore, it has to go through a long and arduous process.

This gland taken from male musk deer is first dried for a long time. After drying, it is opened like a walnut and the pieces inside are removed. These dry pieces are kept in alcohol for a while, and the musk scent, which is indispensable for all perfumes, emerges. Of course, it goes without saying how precious and expensive the fragrance obtained in this way is.

Let’s take a look at some other animals here and there:

It is not known whether perfume manufacturers in tropical Asia and Africa have heard of the male musk deer, but they must have looked at the animals around them with a keen eye when they noticed the civet. You know the animal that eats, digests, defecates coffee fruits and produces the most expensive coffee in the world from that excrement? That’s the civet cat.

It is not known what is in the civet cat, this animal also has the smell of musk. Of course, this scent is found in the animal’s perineum, the area between the anus and the outer lips. The glands here also smell disgusting when first removed, but it is said that a velvety and floral scent emerges as a result of long and laborious processes.

Let’s not waste whale vomit, let’s make perfume from it too:

Known as the Sperm Whale in the world, but because it is one of the most common species in the Mediterranean and on the beaches of our country, the whale species we give a special name as the sperm whale is among those caught in the net of perfume manufacturers. This time, no part of the animal is slaughtered, its vomit is used.

Some conditions are necessary for the extremely rare vomit to come out; The sperm whale will eat squid, its sharp beak will damage the whale’s pharynx, and the whale will whine and vomit. Of course, that vomit stinks too. However, it becomes unique when cooked in sea water and sun. This unusual scent is sometimes referred to as amber, but it gets this name because of its color.

Is this how today’s perfumes are still made?

Life is full of surprises. In the 1880s, a scientist named Albert Baur was trying to make a much stronger dynamite for more deadly results. When one of the molecules he synthesized suddenly spread around, he realized that the place smelled good. When it was seen that these molecules were suspended in the air, they started to be used in perfumes and became indispensable in perfumes after 1950.

Nowadays, animals are no longer killed for perfume making, so at least it is said:

Just like leather and fur, such fragrances can now be easily produced in laboratories. In this way, much more can be produced and sold at a much more affordable price. As a result, everyone wins. Please check whether animals are harmed in the production of such products.

We answered the questions that are in the strange places of unusual animals, what is the indispensable fragrance of musk, how is it obtained, and we talked about the details you need to know about this unusual smell. Do you like the smell of musk? You can share your thoughts in the comments.

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