PlayStation 6 is shaped! Will there be a disc driver?

PlayStation 6 is shaped! Will there be a disc driver?

While you have not yet been able to digest the PS5 Pro, new claims have emerged about Sony’s next generation game console PlayStation 6. Shawn Layden, former president of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), said that the PlayStation 6 would not be a completely digital console and that a version of a physical disk driver would be presented. So why is it important whether the disc driver exists? Details in our news…

PlayStation 6 can continue to protect the physical disk drive

Currently, the PlayStation 5 has both discs and non -disk versions, while the PlayStation 5 Pro is only digitally presented, and you need to buy the disk drive separately. On the other hand, Microsoft’s latest Xbox consoles were completely digitally. Therefore, the PlayStation 6 was thought to follow the same path.

However, Layden says that Sony’s move in this direction may adversely affect PlayStation’s popularity in some markets. Layden emphasizes that physical discs are still of great importance in regions with weak internet infrastructure, Sony will not ignore this fact. He said that his former colleagues in the company were very cautious when making such big decisions.

AMD’s 3D V-Cache technology can be used in PlayStation 6!

According to AMD’s 2026 plans, 3D V-Cache technology will be used in PlayStation chips and Strix Halo GPUs.

Although it has not yet been officially announced, it is known that the PlayStation 6 will come with a CPU with 3D V-Cache technology and use a mid-range RDNA GPU. The console is expected to be released in 2027, ie there will be a timing for the about 7 -year cycle between PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.

Whether Sony will come with a completely digital console remains unclear. However, according to Layden’s statements, we see that PlayStation 6 is likely to support physical game discs. Do you think Sony should completely digitize PlayStation 6, or should it continue to maintain physical disk support? You can write your opinions in the comments section below…