See the black spots on the corn chips, what is it actually! (Don’t be afraid, not insects)

See the black spots on the corn chips, what is it actually! (Don’t be afraid, not insects)

“I wonder what is this?” It is not possible not to worry. But don’t worry, more than one time is not as ‘dangerous’ as it is thought.

You may even have more or less assumption.

It is impossible not to see points on the chips made of corn.

When the chips are cooked at high temperatures, a number of corn grains can be cooked and “burn”. This forms the black spots on the corn chips. These black stains sometimes scare us, but usually only disrupt the image and do not affect the taste.

In addition, some of the corn grains may be congenitally dark. In particular, the natural color pigments in the shell of the shell become apparent when producing chips. So, sometimes we can think of these points in the “freckles” of corn.

It may not always be corn.

The machines used in chips production can sometimes carry small particles from the previous particles. They can look at the chips for blackheads. If production is happening in hygienic conditions, these points do not constitute a problem, but of course, of course, “the machine is pure?” The question does not come.

If a rare possibility is molded during storage, these black spots may be dangerous for us. But don’t worry, there’s an easy way to understand it. If the chips are corrupt, if there is a mold smell and the taste is pity, it will be careful not to consume.

These points on the chips are often harmless. If you haven’t changed the taste of chips, you can enjoy it. However, if the smell and taste of the chips are out of the usual, never consume.

Sources: 1, 2