How can the jets landing on aircraft carriers be stopped in 2 seconds?

How can the jets landing on aircraft carriers be stopped in 2 seconds?

There is a system that saves the life of the pilot and ship duties competing over time. That’s the stop system.

Although high engineering is perfect, these stop systems are also a technology that competes over time.

What exactly is the stop system?

Modern US Navy has a stopper named Mark 7 Mod 3 on aircraft carriers, so that the aircraft can stop in 2 seconds.

Designed to ensure the faith of the jets on aircraft carriers, this system stops the plane controlled by absorbing the huge kinetic energy it has during the descent of the jet. When the area on the aircraft carriers is very boundaries, it becomes almost impossible to land without a system.

The main component of the system is the steel ropes on the deck. The ropes are attached to the hook in the tail of the aircraft and the hydraulic mechanism, which is activated with the jet attachment to the steel rope, stops the plane by pulling the rope in a controlled form.

The secret here is actually the capacity of hydraulic fluids to absorb kinetic energy. Thanks to hydraulic fluids and a special braking system, the safety of both the aircraft and the worker on the ship is ensured.

Mark 7 MOD 3’s working mechanism

The system consists of four main parts: steel ropes, hydraulic cylinders, power -absorbing units and control panels. When the steel rope is attached to the hole on the tail of the jet, the power is transferred to the hydraulic cylinders. Hydraulic fluid also absorbs this energy and controls the pressure. This is the key point that allows the aircraft to slow down.

Everything is measured with milliseconds during landing. There are 4 stopping wires on the deck with approximately 15 meters. The pilots are often trying to target the third wire, thinking that they are the most faithful, because the first wire is quite dangerous because it is closer to the ass area of ​​the aircraft carrier. The second and fourth wires are more acceptable.

With the aircraft attaching to the steel rope, the system comes into play instantly. Hydraulic pressure is distributed in control and the jet stands in a faithful state in a few seconds. It requires extremely sensitive engineering because a wrong calculation can cause the plane to fall from the deck or break the rope.

Why does this system have vital value?

Since the landing runway on aircraft carriers is quite short, there is no other option for the jets to stop. Mark 7 Mod 3 stop systems are the most valuable component of aircraft carriers operations.

The reliability of the system affects the lives of hundreds of people on the ship. It is the primary goal of the system to facilitate the landing of pilots under voltage and to ensure the safety of aircraft.

In addition, this system is possible to land more than one jet at high speed. In particular, on heavy operation days, Mark 7 Mod 3 increases the operational capacity of an aircraft carrier to the highest level.

How often do cables change?

Each wire with a thickness of approximately 35 mm consists of wires wrapped around my greased central kernel. Each of the cables can be replaced in 2 minutes. Care and safety targets are also removed and replaced after each 125 attachment landing.

In order to establish such a system and prevent possible dangers, the price is changing in the middle of 5 million to 8 million.

As a result, Mark 7 Mod 3 stopping systems, which have become the backbone of aircraft carrier operations, are included in our lives as a perfect of advanced engineering and technology.

Sources: Navair, Markets and Markets, Gizmodo