We all go through a decision process in our daily lives, from what to eat to what to wear. This frustrating process drags on like gum, so to speak.
So how can we get out of this situation? Don’t worry, every person experiences this “paralysis”.
More options, more no options?
Yes, this is probably the definition that best describes analysis paralysis. Because the more options you have, the harder it is to decide. When worry, stress and worry are added to the mix, it’s just delicious!
When we cannot decide, we may feel anxious and guilty, and at that moment we feel responsible for making the “best” decision. However, no matter how bad our choices are, they are better than this situation. As they say: “Even the worst decision is better than indecision.”
So why are we experiencing this situation?
Abundance of options is actually the key to this situation. The more options there are, the more impossible it becomes to decide. For example, when you open your closet full of clothes, you think for hours, but in a suitcase where you take a few items with you, this does not take 10 minutes.
Or, while shopping, we get lost in the store and among the options. Because we feel like we have to make the “best” choice among them. This is the main reason: Fear of making the wrong decision and perfectionism.
So how do we escape analysis paralysis?
You can prevent this situation by minimizing your options or setting a limit for yourself. For example, set a decision-making period for yourself, and let the decision you make within that period be your choice. In addition, limiting the options will also be beneficial.
Moreover, the truth is that no decision is truly “perfect”. If you feel like you cannot deal with this issue yourself, we recommend that you get help from an expert. Because factors such as ADHD and anxiety may underlie it.
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