Opera Brings A New Cryptocurrency To The Crypto Wallet

Opera Brings A New Cryptocurrency To The Crypto Wallet

Opera, one of the most preferred internet browsers, has been giving messages that it is ready for the transition to the ‘Web 3’ era since 2018. In this period when ‘Blockchain’ technology is integrated into internet usage, Opera’s first decision to ensure this has been announced.

Opera recently announced that it will support the use of Solana (SOL) in its browser wallet. Thus, the race of browsers to support crypto money was ignited.

Brave made a similar statement.

Brave, which debuted in 2019 and is a fairly new browser compared to Opera, has launched its built-in cryptocurrency wallet feature in the past few weeks. Thus, the crypto race to be continued with Opera began. Because Opera has already opened its wallet, which can be used to send and receive crypto money without an additional application, and to be used while shopping, in 2018.

Brave was also known to have plans to bring in Solana support. However, Opera, in its statement yesterday, stated that it will act first and will be the first browser to bring Solana support to its internal crypto wallet. The Norwegian company announced that support will arrive in early 2022. Brave, on the other hand, used the phrase “first half”, not the beginning of 2022, in its own statement. In other words, we will see next year who is the first to bring this innovation.