Experts Warn Against DataMatrix Scams

IT experts have woken up to a new type of fraud using QR codes. According to the statements of experts, the QR codes that we can see all over the city can be changed by individuals for malicious purposes.
 Experts Warn Against DataMatrix Scams
READING NOW Experts Warn Against DataMatrix Scams

We certainly do not want to portray the emergence of new types of fraud as the fault of technology. But of course, new technological tools can bring with them tricks that are hard to come to mind. In any case, this is not a situation that comes with computers and the internet, new inventions have brought new weaknesses in every period. The important thing is to notice and take action accordingly.

Now that we have given our techno-lover message, we can now talk about our new fraud method. Some scammers are waiting for people who will spread their QR codes around and fall into their network. The person who reads the code can transfer some information to the other party or make an involuntary call, depending on the intention of the person who put the code.

“Do not download code-directed apps”

We use QR codes, which have been frequently encountered since the beginning of the pandemic, for many purposes, from accessing restaurant menus to entering venues and getting information. These QR codes direct us to certain links. What more? Can’t a malicious person generate the QR code of a malicious link and distribute it around? According to experts, it also acts like honey.

Ünsal Yurdakonar, who works as a marketing manager in a security software company, stated that automatic calls can be made from the phone with a fake QR code. Istanbul Technical University Informatics Institute Lecturer Prof. Dr. Kemal Bıçakcı said in a statement, “The QR codes are hanging on a poster and you want to get information about the poster. They can change the QR code there, paste another fake QR code on it. It would be useful to be a little more vigilant against such risks. You do not have the opportunity to understand by looking at the QR code or looking at the site you go to. You can download a malware, virus to your mobile device via QR code. If a software is to be downloaded after scanning the QR code here, I especially recommend that you do not download this software. He warned that unconscious QR code use could lead to ”.

At the same time, Bıçakçı emphasized that there may be fraud cases over cryptocurrencies through transactions such as making payments, and said, “You can also make a payment via QR code, if this payment is from a person you do not want and it is a payment made via Bitcoin. You have no chance of getting it back. You will make a banking electronic transfer, of course, you can convert that IBAN number into a QR code. As soon as the IBAN number is changed and another attacker replaces it with the address of the person who made this attack, the transfer you made will go to another account.

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