Terminating promotional emails will be easier with Gmail’s new feature

Terminating promotional emails will be easier with Gmail’s new feature
Gmail app for Android will gain a new feature with the upcoming update that will help users quickly get rid of promotional emails that fill up their storage space. The “Cancel Subscription” button will be in a more prominent spot.

Eye-catching unsubscribe button

Most automatically sent emails include a link at the bottom to unsubscribe; Clicking this blocks that sender from sending emails in the future, but this can be annoying if you are trying to unsubscribe a lot. Gmail recently added an option to partially automate this. If Google notices that emails from a particular sender are not being opened, it offers a suggestion to unsubscribe. This feature has been supported on the web for years, but it does not work very stable on mobile.

Soon the Google app (first on Android) will make the “Unsubscribe” link more prominent. More precisely, the unsubscribe button will be displayed more prominently towards the top of the email. However, it is said that it will automatically appear in unsubscribe emails.