This is a Giant Partnership from the Ethereum Platform: Microsoft Also Includes!

Microsoft, Tencent and 16 other Web2 giants have formed a giant partnership with this Ethereum developer. They will create a decentralized infrastructure network.
 This is a Giant Partnership from the Ethereum Platform: Microsoft Also Includes!
READING NOW This is a Giant Partnership from the Ethereum Platform: Microsoft Also Includes!

Ethereum developer ConsenSys’ Infura is so dominant that it is seen as a single lock. Now it is creating a “decentralized infrastructure network” with a “federated” group of partners. According to the statement, this network will help protect against outages.

Giant partnership from the Ethereum platform: Microsoft, Tencent and others…

Microsoft, Tencent and 16 other Web2 giants have partnered with Consensys. The partnership will undertake the mission of decentralizing the Infura network, which is the key to accessing the Ethereum Blockchain for much of the decentralized finance (DeFi) industry. The partnerships aim to increase decentralization on the Infura network, which is key to preventing outages of Web3 services that leverage this network, including wallet service MetaMask.

Consensys senior product manager Andrew Breslin says the importance of the partnerships has less to do with “who they are” and more to do with large companies “looking to decentralize every layer of the blockchain infrastructure stack” aligning with Infura. The developers plan to launch the Decentralized Infura Network (DIN) in Q4. For Infrua, DIN stands as a solution to the centralization problem. Ethereum developer Consensys currently controls the network. This means there is only one key point. About the development, Breslin adds:

The cost and complexity involved in running a service like Infura was kind of a limitation on who we could partner with to serve that traffic. There is now a huge ecosystem of Web3 infrastructure providers that can offer a complementary service to Infura.

More secure and censorship-resistant access!

Andrew Breslin points out one of the first important features in DIN. Breslin says this is “failover support” for the Ethereum and Polygon networks. Failover support means traffic can be redirected to one or more DIN partners in the event of an outage, ensuring higher uptime rates in the long term. Breslin notes that once launched, DIN will provide more reliable and censorship-resistant access to Ethereum because decentralized applications (DApps) will not have to rely on a single service provider located in a single location.

Blockchain software giant Consensys developed Infura. This project provides a development package that provides API access to the Ethereum and IPFS networks. Currently, Infura is the access point for most DApps to access real-time on-chain data from the Ethereum Blockchain. Meanwhile, as you follow on, Infura suffered a temporary outage in November 2020. Because of this, the MetaMask wallet stopped working. Thus, the problem of centralization arose. The downtime also affected several centralized exchanges and DeFi projects.

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