Namaste: Tesla’s Optimus robot showed off its new skills

Tesla's humanoid robot Tesla Optimus showed significant progress in its latest video. The published video shows that TeslaBot uses the same end-to-end neural network as Tesla cars, which can now process video input and produce control output.
 Namaste: Tesla’s Optimus robot showed off its new skills
READING NOW Namaste: Tesla’s Optimus robot showed off its new skills
Tesla’s humanoid robot Tesla Optimus showed significant progress in its latest video. The published video reveals that TeslaBot works on the same end-to-end neural network as Tesla cars, which can now process video input and produce control output. Elon Musk’s reaction to the new video was simple but quite descriptive: Progress.

Tesla Optimus is developing rapidly

The video begins with the Tesla Bot, or Optimus robot, performing the self-calibration routine necessary to adapt to new environments. It is then shown how TeslaBot can use vision and joint position sensors to accurately position its limbs without relying on any external feedback. This will enable TeslaBot to interact with objects and perform tasks with precision and dexterity.

One of the tasks Optimus demonstrated was sorting blue and green blocks into matching trays. Tesla Optimus can easily grasp each block and sort them at a human-like speed. It can also handle dynamic changes in the environment, such as when a human intervenes and moves blocks. It seems Optimus is now able to quickly adapt to the new situation and continue his mission. It can also correct its own errors, such as when a block is tilted and needs to be rotated.

The video also showcases the balance and flexibility of Tesla Bot, which performs some yoga movements that require standing on one leg and stretching. These poses are not related to any practical workload, but show how TeslaBot can control its body and maintain its balance.

However, Tesla still has a lot of work to do with its humanoid Optimus robot. The gap with Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot is still large, but Tesla is moving fast. The company is already aware of this and invites more engineers to work on Optimus. There’s no word on when Optimus will be ready for production or commercial use, but the video shows it’s making rapid progress and uses the same software as Tesla cars.

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